[00 - Chitter] Kelsi



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Chittercida. "Peace" - Content.


Omg do her bio already. As well as everyone else >>;


Mostly anxious & depressed bab, as her new mortality weighs on her heavily, but finds comfort and occasional joy in small indulgences. Feeds off of "peace through suppressed anxiety", and can influence it in humans, to an extent. Resides near a seaside town, prefers it during the autumn and winter off-season, rather than the busy tourist months. Frequents a gated community/nursing home located there, finding some companionship with the residents. She's adopted a fluctuating religious stance, alternating between paying respect to multiple gods/religions and disillusioned atheism, influenced by the beliefs of her new friends. For the time at least, she's taken helping people pass on peacefully and without pain as her purpose in the world, a shoring up of good karma against whatever possible judgement is after this new world. Her rings are gifts from the older residents, mismatched but treasured, and the rosary is a familiar comfort during bouts of anxiety. [reminder to self add when making ref]

Going to be looking for friends/relationships for her in the future, or might just throw at Finlay >>


EDIT: jfc this is so old I still had Finlay? Probably all scrapped idk maybe


Likes: tea, sweet cakes, rain, autumn, overgrown buildings, sea fog, cats, having her har braided/brushed, instrumental music. Secretly enjoys trashy romance novels and looking through 'antique' shops that are mostly junk.

Dislikes: crowds, the sun, being touched unexpectedly, that noise velcro makes, arguments, when you forget to put sugar in your coffee, the quiet suffocation of your life dripping away second by second without a single way to slow or turn back the steady ebbing, prickles and burrs in her fur, cheese.