


4 years, 11 months ago



Selfless • Hardworking • Humble • Appreciative • Observant • Perfeccionist • Shy • Unbelieving

Harry has always put others before him. It never mattered if he was in a worse situation, he alwayss want to do something to help those who are unfavored. He has a lot of focus and passion for what he does. He's never lazy to do his job, and he has no complaints about it. On the contrary, he is very grateful and feels blessed to use his skills for something of good. Harry also never takes credit for things he's done, and he will never brag about his intellect or compare himself to others.

From the smallest of things to the biggest one, Harry values them all. Forms of life, technology, everything exists for a reason. The balance of nature is kept by the whole, so it is important to preserve it all.

Harry always pays attention to the smallest details. He will want to fix something that some won't even notice. He's a perfeccionist, and while he knows 'perfect' isn't really achievable, he tries to make everything as close as possible, to the best of his abilities. He's never fully content with his work, because there is always room for improvement.

Even though he is fully capable of talking in front of big crowds, pointing his opinion in important meetings and such, Harry is very shy and feels nervous when he has to speak with someone on their own. He also feels uncomfortable in parties.

Lastly, Harry doesn't believe in religion, fate or miracles. Everything for him is science and can be explained through real phenomena.

Name Harry
Gender Male
Age Young Adult
Species Mountain Hare
  • Books
  • Astronomy
  • Stargazing
  • Ancient Languages & Symbols
  • Famine
  • Greed
  • He has bad eyesight and uses glasses most of the time