Tey (& co.)



5 years, 6 days ago




Goblin | Female | 37y | Hunter | Wastelands



Very temperamental and often shifts between extremes, where common moods are mischievous, cranky or feisty. Although she may come across as aggressive, she' actually quite a coward who rather run than fight. A professional hunter who has three pets that aid her in her work.


Tey is an easily aggravated and moody individual, she can rapidly switch from cheerful to grouchy. When interacting with others, she commonly lingers between mischievous, cranky and feisty. She dislikes people, the only company she's able to stand for longer periods are animals. While she tries hard to act arrogant, she's well aware that her small stature is far from intimidating and that it's usually better to flee than fight. Tey is also very inventive and stubborn; this may get her into trouble, but it also allow her succeed with things none thought possible.

Most of her time is spent roaming around in the wilderness, being indoors makes Tey extremely uneasy. She's fully accustomed and comfortable with being outdoors, although she's also vary as she could easily become prey due to her size. Tey do a lot of hunting, but she'll also fish and forage. Most of the findings is used to survive, and the rest will be traded in order to obtain goods that she can't find in nature.

Zathil is a important customer, and although they don't care much for the other, they happily trade goods.
Grimwag has an amazing ability to accidently ruin Tey's hunts in all sorts of odd ways.

Tey cares for three animals, they are not just pets but creatures that assists her in various ways. She loves them all, but her affection may come across as rather reserved or even aggressive to outsiders. While it may not obvious at first glance, Tey do consider these animals to be her equals and companions.

Korii is small and swift, he's quite secretive and likes to keep to himself. He serves as scout and lookout.
Nikki is calm and loyal with a lot of pride. She serves as hunter and herder.
Peiko is protective and gentle, with a bit of a silly nature. She serves as a steed and carrier.









Code by FallingFeathers