Maeva Lykourgos



4 years, 11 months ago



Name Maeva Lykourgos
Called Maeva / Mae
Age 28
Gender Female
Race Human
Height 5'6" / 167.64 cm
Demeanor Ruthless and meticulous


  • Jahwar; she fell for him
  • cold weather
  • reading
  • efficiency and loyalty


  • people who refuse to act
  • feeling helpless
  • anything sour
  • plans going awry


Maeva Lykourgos, once a ward of the sinister House Daask, grew up in a world of darkness and cruelty, molded into a heartless and unfeeling individual. Defying the odds, she climbed the ranks within the criminal noble family, becoming their formidable judge.

On a mission to expand House Daask's influence, she joined an adventuring party, forming a bond with Jahwar, a lethal gunslinger. Their journey took an unexpected turn when they were whisked away to the realm of dread by a sinister mist.

In the cursed land of Barovia, ruled by the malevolent vampire lord Strahd von Zarovich, Maeva and Jahwar faced nightmarish trials and learned of ancient prophecies and dark curses. Despite their hardships, they emerged victorious, defeating Strahd and liberating Barovia from his tyranny.

However, this triumph came at a cost. Maeva's soul was intertwined with the realm of dread, and she had to make a difficult choice. Embracing her new affliction of vampirism, she and Jahwar decided to take on the mantle of the new dark lords of Barovia.

As the dark rulers, they sought to establish a militaristic country, wielding power with order and fairness. Their rule brought prosperity and stability to the realm, allowing the people to thrive for the first time in centuries.

Maeva's journey from a heartless ward of House Daask to a powerful dark lord was a tale of redemption, determination, and self-discovery. With Jahwar by her side, she redefined the meaning of darkness, using her strength and ambition to shape a brighter future for Barovia. Together, they faced the challenges of leadership, supporting one another and leaving an indelible mark on the history of the cursed land they now called home.