Razmus Shadowmoon



9 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Razmus Shadowmoon.




Over 2000.


Doesn't care to remember.




Physical Manipulation| The ability to make people feel pain or pleasure with a touch. Transformation| He can transform into a dragon.


Doesn't care.


None. Unless brutal murderer counts.

Important Relations

Samael Shadowmoon [Father], ??? [Mother, dead], Kalzar Shadowmoon [Brother, twin], Avera Emerson [Sister, older]


NA: Clothed ref.


Razmus is a extremely uncaring individual. He doesn't give a crap out the consequences of his actions, or what his actions do to others, he does what he wants and in his opinion, everyone else can shove it. Aggressive and headstrong, Raz loves picking fights and torturing those smaller and weaker then himself, just for fun and he isn't afraid to kill those that get in his way. Much more towards a classic vampire then his brother, Raz loves blood and watching smaller creatures suffer, he hunts humans with a classic grace, seducing them, sleeping with them and then throwing them away like overused trash, after inviting them to... Dinner, of course. Unafraid to flaunt his body in any way, Raz is shameless and very much enjoys seeing others' reactions to this part of his personality.

Pushy, loud and dominant, Razmus isn't afraid of being forward with what he wants, and if his chosen victim isn't willing to give him what he wants, he isn't above of taking it by force. Raz is also equipped with quite the temper, he's rather easy to piss off and once you do he will often lash out and 'punish' the offender. Raz isn't all bad, however, he is capable of affection, though it would be shown in his own way and one would have to know him well to be able to pick up on it.


History Overview:

Samael Shadowmoon was the right hand man to the sire of the strongest vampire clan in the human world, he was very powerful, but that wasn't enough for him. Attempting to devise a plan to rid of his sire, Samael took his innate magical powers and found a powerful female vampire, whom he promised would be his queen, and together they birthed a vampire with the power of a god. Knowing the sire would destroy at birth any vampire that would dare threaten his reign, Samael took the child, a baby girl he named Avera, to another world and left her with the demon king, promising him land and wealth in the human world in exchange for protecting, hiding, and raising the young girl.

When Samael returned to the human world, he found the vampires were getting wind of his plans, so he acted quickly. Creating another child with the woman that would be his queen, Samael purposefully allowed word to get to the sire of his plans and he grovelled at the feet of the vampire king, begging for his life and the life of his child to be spared. Reluctantly the sire agreed and instead of destroying the child, he used his power split the boy into two while still in the womb. He split their powers, their personalities and even their appearances into perfect opposites of one another and soon Kalzar and Razmus Shadowmoon were born.

At their birth, Samael killed their mother, betraying her and calling it the fault of the sire and his magic and he raised the two boys on his own. The two boys were taught of their powers and learned of their fathers hatred of the sire, but never were they told of their long abandoned sister, as Samael waited patiently for the day he would take his daughter, and his kingdom.

Razmus was never fond of his brother, the two hated each other from birth but despite Razmus' many attempts, he was never able to rid himself of his brother, who followed him and constantly got in the way and spoiled his fun. Despite being wanted by some of the most powerful and intimidating creatures in existence, Razmus has somehow survived through his sheer uncaring attitude and continues to live on as the bane of the human race and murderer of men, women and children alike.