Rhyme Gardner



8 years, 6 days ago


Rhyme Gardner

Rhyme Gardner
EnglishRhyme Gardner
NicknamesLime (ライム Raimu)
Princess Pudding (Dub)
Rōmaji: Raimu Gādanā
Date of BirthJuly 29
Zodiac♌ Leo
Height155 cm
Favorite FoodTiramisu
Least Favorite FoodLeeks
RelativesLana Gardner (mother)
Monty Gardner (father)
Marisol Gardner (younger sister)
SchoolHeartland Academy (Track Team)
[ info here ][ info here ]
Team[ info here ]
Manga DeckMadolche
Anime DeckMadolche Deck (マドルチェデッキ Madoruche Dekki)
AnimeYu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL
Voice Actors
EnglishKate Higgins
JapaneseAyane Sakura
Image Gallery

Rhyme Gardner (ライム・ガーダナー Raimu Gādanā) is a young American girl who moved to Japan, and is currently attending Heartland Academy as a second year and member of the track team. Being a transfer student, her Japanese is not perfect, often leading to her saying the wrong thing at the worst time. This coupled with her less than pleasant temper has gotten her into more fights than necessary.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed neque arcu, semper ut posuere ac, posuere ac magna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam rhoncus nec turpis eu vestibulum. Phasellus sollicitudin arcu vitae metus egestas, vitae pellentesque metus luctus. Nullam nec vehicula velit, sed dapibus justo. Suspendisse ut nisl ac ante luctus sodales. Integer a nisi sapien. Donec eleifend nulla a lacus viverra aliquet. Cras faucibus ipsum nec metus volutpat, in tempor quam sagittis. Nunc consectetur, purus et semper tincidunt, neque risus aliquet arcu, eget iaculis justo orci at nisl. Nam sodales pulvinar arcu, et ultricies metus pretium vel. Morbi a accumsan leo, non luctus ex.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam maximus porta bibendum. In rutrum ex eu lacus sagittis euismod. Fusce eu sapien in nisi accumsan tempor. Curabitur tempus massa quis lorem bibendum, sit amet tincidunt augue gravida. Duis non odio libero. Duis volutpat magna et velit malesuada, id condimentum sapien venenatis. Quisque eleifend quis tortor a venenatis. Sed dignissim, tellus sit amet ornare faucibus, risus felis luctus nulla, a molestie lacus dolor vel arcu. Aenean sit amet orci ut massa molestie tincidunt. Curabitur id augue ipsum. Donec augue purus, tincidunt sit amet quam ac, lobortis vehicula massa. Nam venenatis ornare ex, a elementum odio vestibulum quis. Maecenas facilisis non est a varius. Donec ornare tempor diam ut dignissim. Etiam vitae turpis condimentum, iaculis quam non, pulvinar velit. Curabitur ullamcorper et arcu at condimentum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris a volutpat ipsum, at bibendum erat. In vel erat sed ipsum gravida scelerisque. Vestibulum vulputate ultricies nulla, at mattis ipsum pellentesque vel. Donec ut lectus aliquam augue ultricies maximus non ac diam. Nulla scelerisque sapien et aliquet ultricies. Aliquam nulla eros, ultrices ut elit at, ullamcorper ornare sem. Etiam quis nisi rutrum, placerat est at, iaculis sem. Mauris tellus felis, pharetra nec ligula sed, commodo feugiat eros. Sed viverra mauris magna, sit amet venenatis turpis sagittis eget. Praesent dignissim libero ac gravida tempus. Donec tincidunt nisi eget tortor euismod volutpat.


Due to her status as a foreign student, Rhyme's Japanese is not perfect. While she can speak the language and can communicate without much problem, she does have times where her speaking is a bit broken. She is known to sometimes interject English phrases (Italian in the dub) into her conversations, catching others off guard and leaving herself to translate what she had just said. When she's angry, she's known to almost seamlessly shift from Japanese to English (English to Italian in the dub) as she keeps talking. Rhyme is usually unaware of this change and has to be informed by someone that they can't understand her.

Rhyme holds herself very proudly and tends to refer to herself as 'boku' while using very masculine pronouns in her speech. Because of her choice of words, her dialogue is quite rude by Japanese standards (evident in her constant uses of 'koitsu' and 'aitsu'), but Rhyme knows this and only ever uses more formal speech when talking to elders or those she respects. While she rarely uses honorifics, she a very avid user of nicknames when it comes to characters. Much like Orbital 7 (and formally Astral), 
she addresses Yuma as 'Touma', Kotori is often called 'Tweety', and Shark is normally described by her as 'Prince Octopus' mockingly.

Rhyme takes dueling really seriously, whether it be for fun or in a serious situation. She gets really frustrated when her strategies get unraveled and tries really hard to keep them really tight so it's not as hard to go through her defenses. Since her deck relies a lot on dealing small amounts of damage little by little until she can finally call out her bigger cards, if someone corners her to where she can't back up her weaker monsters, it really throws her off. Regardless, she makes it her goal to stay extremely focused, and sometimes if the duel isn't for serious stakes (like a practice duel or a duel between friends), she'll have music playing so she can kinda keep her thoughts in order. Sometimes when others duel her, they claim to see her tapping her feet quite a bit or moving her hands in a certain way when she either draws or sets a card. Whenever she's in her zone, she'll sometimes slide around or twirl when drawing cards, only to deny so if someone questions why. In more serious duels, she does put a lot more on the line and refuses to let anything distract her. She tries to act as though she has everything under control, but sometimes it becomes quite obvious that she's extremely nervous deep down. Rhyme tries her best to keep strong because she knows that there's weight on what she's doing, and she would rather not imagine the consequences of if she were to mess up. Because of this, she'll more times than not end up cracking small jokes or attempt to talk down to her enemy. This makes her come off as cocky, but those who know her well that she uses those harsh words as a defense mechanism. Never in her life had she ever imagined that she would be faced with life or death situations, so she honestly has no idea on how to cope other than making herself seem bigger than she is.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam tincidunt metus at ullamcorper sollicitudin. Maecenas vel varius lectus, a bibendum turpis. Sed mattis nibh ac metus imperdiet, non luctus sapien fermentum. Morbi posuere sapien quis ex ornare, in cursus enim auctor. Suspendisse mattis interdum metus a ullamcorper. Nam vel ante sagittis, elementum dolor ac, semper magna. Mauris egestas, urna non congue pulvinar, velit nisl ultrices urna, non ultrices lacus nisl ac eros. In sit amet odio sed massa auctor interdum sed at erat. Vivamus eget accumsan lorem, ac mattis felis.


Barian Invasion

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed finibus iaculis ipsum eget aliquet. In laoreet posuere metus, nec maximus ante lobortis nec. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus faucibus fringilla lectus eget commodo. Cras ornare fringilla magna, a vestibulum augue dictum at. Maecenas malesuada nibh eget ipsum elementum placerat nec at purus. Integer vehicula iaculis neque, et sodales lacus congue ut. Morbi ultrices turpis ornare condimentum fringilla. Morbi eget lorem laoreet, mollis ligula a, cursus nunc. Vivamus pulvinar libero non massa ultrices, sit amet tincidunt erat imperdiet. Cras a aliquet libero, vitae scelerisque augue. Proin quis nibh quis nisl pharetra euismod. Etiam pretium eu sem vel consequat. Pellentesque pretium facilisis risus, quis cursus diam aliquam ac.

Mythyrian Numbers War

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer hendrerit eleifend diam, quis lobortis orci vehicula quis. Nunc non semper magna, quis bibendum nisi. Sed consequat tristique vehicula. Nunc tristique nec tortor eget aliquam. Suspendisse id pellentesque ante. Nam posuere quam metus. Praesent molestie diam vel tempor imperdiet. Integer tincidunt suscipit ante, ac egestas tellus. Ut convallis arcu ut nunc facilisis tristique. Suspendisse condimentum sollicitudin eros a varius. Sed aliquam magna eget nisl venenatis molestie. Maecenas vitae ornare magna, ac rutrum enim. Quisque fermentum est ac massa venenatis lobortis.

Barian Empire Onslaught

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce rhoncus elit id venenatis pretium. Nullam rutrum tincidunt odio, eu porttitor elit dignissim nec. Cras venenatis turpis a pulvinar hendrerit. Nunc ut risus volutpat, pharetra orci a, condimentum tellus. Praesent porttitor rutrum odio eu faucibus. Phasellus nec eleifend nibh. Nam at tristique sem. Vestibulum mattis efficitur tempor. Morbi sit amet augue lacus. Pellentesque vitae erat vitae augue luctus luctus ut et eros. Vivamus ornare facilisis est, at porta nisi egestas eget. Morbi mattis felis in aliquet bibendum. Proin fermentum egestas eros ac egestas. Vestibulum auctor tempus aliquet.



Main Page: Relationships – Family

Canon Characters

Main Page: Relationships – Canon Characters

Fan Characters

Main Page: Relationships – Fan Characters


Rhyme specializes in running a Madolche Deck consisting of various Types of EARTH monsters represented by many royal figures, servants, and animals, all sporting a dessert motif. The main focus of her deck is recycling her cards, having them shift back to either her Deck or hand after being destroyed. Because of this, she has taken pride in being able to last long against opponents whose main goal is to Deck Out their opponent due to the sturdiness of her Deck.

Madolche Deck
Monsters ]
Effect Monsters
  • Madolche Anjelly
  • Madolche Baaple
  • Madolche Butlerusk
  • Madolche Chickolates
  • Madolche Chouxvalier
  • Madolche Cruffssant
  • Madolche Hootcake
  • Madolche Magileine
  • Madolche Marmalmaide
  • Madolche Messengelato
  • Madolche Mewfeuille
  • Madolche Petingcessoeur
  • Madolche Puddingcess
Extra Deck ]
Xyz Monsters
  • Madolche Queen Tiaramisu
  • Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-Mode
  • Madolche Teacher Glassoufle
Spells ]
  • Madolche Chateau
  • Madolche Ticket
  • Double Summon
  • Swords of Revealing Light
  • Gift of the Martyr
  • Field Barrier
  • Inferno Reckless Summon
  • Mystical Space Typhoon
Traps ]
  • Madolche Lesson
  • Madolche Nights
  • Madolche Tea Break
  • Madolchepalooza
  • Mirror Force
  • Ceasefire
  • Magic Cylinder
  • Desperate Tag


[ opponent ]

[ outcome ]

[ opponent ]
[ outcome ]


  • [ info here ]
  • [ info here ]
  • [ info here ]

Profile by Erandia
Edited by Ziodyne