Marisol Gardner



7 years, 11 months ago


Marisol Gardner

Marisol Gardner
EnglishMarisol Gardner
Lil' Alien
Odd Child (by Astral)
Japaneseマリソル ガーダナー

Rōmaji: Marisoru Gādanā
Date of BirthMarch 14
Height140 cm (4'7”)
Favorite FoodChocolate Sundae
Least Favorite Food[ info here ]
RelativesLana Gardner (Mother)
Monty Gardner (Father)
Rhyme Gardner (Older Sister)
SchoolHeartland Elementary
[ info here ]
[ info here ]
[ info here ]
[ info here ]
Team[ info here ]
Manga DeckAlien
Anime DeckAlien Deck (エーリアンデッキ Ērian Dekki)
AnimeYu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL II
Voice Actors
EnglishEden Riegel
JapaneseMiho Arakawa
Image Gallery

"[ this is a quote ]"
― who is you

Marisol Gardner (マリソル ガーダナー Marisoru Gādanā) is the younger sister of Rhyme Gardner and transfer student now attending Heartland Elementary. Although she shows little emotion, she talks a lot when she wants to, mainly saying either very blunt statements or acute observations. She seems to have the ability to sense Astral's presence, although she cannot physically see him.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed neque arcu, semper ut posuere ac, posuere ac magna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam rhoncus nec turpis eu vestibulum. Phasellus sollicitudin arcu vitae metus egestas, vitae pellentesque metus luctus. Nullam nec vehicula velit, sed dapibus justo. Suspendisse ut nisl ac ante luctus sodales. Integer a nisi sapien. Donec eleifend nulla a lacus viverra aliquet. Cras faucibus ipsum nec metus volutpat, in tempor quam sagittis. Nunc consectetur, purus et semper tincidunt, neque risus aliquet arcu, eget iaculis justo orci at nisl. Nam sodales pulvinar arcu, et ultricies metus pretium vel. Morbi a accumsan leo, non luctus ex.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam maximus porta bibendum. In rutrum ex eu lacus sagittis euismod. Fusce eu sapien in nisi accumsan tempor. Curabitur tempus massa quis lorem bibendum, sit amet tincidunt augue gravida. Duis non odio libero. Duis volutpat magna et velit malesuada, id condimentum sapien venenatis. Quisque eleifend quis tortor a venenatis. Sed dignissim, tellus sit amet ornare faucibus, risus felis luctus nulla, a molestie lacus dolor vel arcu. Aenean sit amet orci ut massa molestie tincidunt. Curabitur id augue ipsum. Donec augue purus, tincidunt sit amet quam ac, lobortis vehicula massa. Nam venenatis ornare ex, a elementum odio vestibulum quis. Maecenas facilisis non est a varius. Donec ornare tempor diam ut dignissim. Etiam vitae turpis condimentum, iaculis quam non, pulvinar velit. Curabitur ullamcorper et arcu at condimentum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris a volutpat ipsum, at bibendum erat. In vel erat sed ipsum gravida scelerisque. Vestibulum vulputate ultricies nulla, at mattis ipsum pellentesque vel. Donec ut lectus aliquam augue ultricies maximus non ac diam. Nulla scelerisque sapien et aliquet ultricies. Aliquam nulla eros, ultrices ut elit at, ullamcorper ornare sem. Etiam quis nisi rutrum, placerat est at, iaculis sem. Mauris tellus felis, pharetra nec ligula sed, commodo feugiat eros. Sed viverra mauris magna, sit amet venenatis turpis sagittis eget. Praesent dignissim libero ac gravida tempus. Donec tincidunt nisi eget tortor euismod volutpat.


Despite both girls being foreigners and her young age, Marisol's Japanese is actually much better than her sister's. While there are still some things she doesn't understand, she's generally better at communicating despite her seemingly quite demeanor. Her speech seems very proper for someone of her age, although even then she is known to throw insults around much like her sister. Despite how proper she sounds, she's still quite young and has the habit of ending her sentences with 'desu'. People tend to say it really contradicts with her basic speech, but they think it's actually quite cute.

Marisol and Rhyme actually seem to be polar opposites in both speech and personality: Rhyme being the loud brash one and Marisol being the quite and observatory one. While she doesn't usually talk much, she can easily be coaxed into speaking more by either bringing up a subject that really interests her or being someone she seems genuinely curious about. This is evident whenever she's around Yuma, with her being a particularly active speaker when around the boy. She has stated that this is more because she's talking to Astral more than Yuma himself, but she doesn't mind if the latter tries to speak with her and actually enjoys his company. Noted by many who have talked to her, Marisol has an odd habit of saying very off-kilter things that don't quite make much sense in the situation at hand. She can be extremely cryptic, leading others to have to try and piece together what she means by whatever it is she said. Generally, she does her own thing and isn't really bothered by others calling her weird or a freak. This is the main reason why she tends to butt heads with her sister. While she appreciates Rhyme's attempts to protect her, she just feels as though they're unnecessary. While not vocally voicing it, Marisol really dislikes being treated as though she's an invalid that cannot take care of or stand up for herself. She knows she's young, but she doesn't want her age and size to be the reason people see her as someone weak. A lot of this comes from her sister's influence, and Marisol wants nothing more than to show her sister that she's perfectly capable of taking care of her older sister as well.

When dueling, Marisol actually seems to be a lot more interactive than when actually in a conversation. Because her deck is built to utilize counters and effects, she has to spend a lot of time building up before being able to do much damage. During this time, she tries to watch her opponent's movements and get a feel of their deck to find any weak points. Because her deck is extremely good at crippling monsters, she likes to set herself up in order intimidate her opponent, and eventually baiting out their strongest monster only to lower their ATK to little of nothing. She's extremely gifted at playing mind games, and catching the other person off guard tends to be part of her strategy. Because she seems to be gentler in actions rather than words, Marisol handles her cards with care when she draws, sliding them out slowly before adding them to her hand or setting them. Whenever her plan seems to work, she has a habit of saying "It seems as though the planets have aligned; the others have heard my call." When she emerges victorious, she has the tendency to bow to her opponent and go "Mission complete. Thank you very much for the data you have given us."


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris vitae felis fringilla, tempus est sit amet, posuere orci. Sed accumsan nisi at lorem dignissim auctor. Curabitur ultricies lectus facilisis sem condimentum lobortis. Aliquam suscipit vehicula nunc non placerat. Cras non dignissim nisi. In eu odio suscipit, dignissim urna quis, posuere nisi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse sit amet condimentum nulla. Etiam nulla lorem, placerat sed nulla non, venenatis hendrerit sem. Nam aliquet dolor eu elit ullamcorper consequat. Donec placerat malesuada dolor, at mattis dui scelerisque vel. Etiam sit amet ornare nunc, eget iaculis nisl. Quisque gravida aliquam velit efficitur mattis. Etiam vel turpis sit amet quam vestibulum iaculis.

[ the abilities section is optional, so if you don't need it/it doesn't apply, you can delete it from here and the contents! ]



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam tincidunt metus at ullamcorper sollicitudin. Maecenas vel varius lectus, a bibendum turpis. Sed mattis nibh ac metus imperdiet, non luctus sapien fermentum. Morbi posuere sapien quis ex ornare, in cursus enim auctor. Suspendisse mattis interdum metus a ullamcorper. Nam vel ante sagittis, elementum dolor ac, semper magna. Mauris egestas, urna non congue pulvinar, velit nisl ultrices urna, non ultrices lacus nisl ac eros. In sit amet odio sed massa auctor interdum sed at erat. Vivamus eget accumsan lorem, ac mattis felis.


Barian Invasion

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed finibus iaculis ipsum eget aliquet. In laoreet posuere metus, nec maximus ante lobortis nec. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus faucibus fringilla lectus eget commodo. Cras ornare fringilla magna, a vestibulum augue dictum at. Maecenas malesuada nibh eget ipsum elementum placerat nec at purus. Integer vehicula iaculis neque, et sodales lacus congue ut. Morbi ultrices turpis ornare condimentum fringilla. Morbi eget lorem laoreet, mollis ligula a, cursus nunc. Vivamus pulvinar libero non massa ultrices, sit amet tincidunt erat imperdiet. Cras a aliquet libero, vitae scelerisque augue. Proin quis nibh quis nisl pharetra euismod. Etiam pretium eu sem vel consequat. Pellentesque pretium facilisis risus, quis cursus diam aliquam ac.

Mythyrian Numbers War

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer hendrerit eleifend diam, quis lobortis orci vehicula quis. Nunc non semper magna, quis bibendum nisi. Sed consequat tristique vehicula. Nunc tristique nec tortor eget aliquam. Suspendisse id pellentesque ante. Nam posuere quam metus. Praesent molestie diam vel tempor imperdiet. Integer tincidunt suscipit ante, ac egestas tellus. Ut convallis arcu ut nunc facilisis tristique. Suspendisse condimentum sollicitudin eros a varius. Sed aliquam magna eget nisl venenatis molestie. Maecenas vitae ornare magna, ac rutrum enim. Quisque fermentum est ac massa venenatis lobortis.

Barian Empire Onslaught

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce rhoncus elit id venenatis pretium. Nullam rutrum tincidunt odio, eu porttitor elit dignissim nec. Cras venenatis turpis a pulvinar hendrerit. Nunc ut risus volutpat, pharetra orci a, condimentum tellus. Praesent porttitor rutrum odio eu faucibus. Phasellus nec eleifend nibh. Nam at tristique sem. Vestibulum mattis efficitur tempor. Morbi sit amet augue lacus. Pellentesque vitae erat vitae augue luctus luctus ut et eros. Vivamus ornare facilisis est, at porta nisi egestas eget. Morbi mattis felis in aliquet bibendum. Proin fermentum egestas eros ac egestas. Vestibulum auctor tempus aliquet.



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Canon Characters

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Marisol specializes in running a Alien Deck consisting of [ info here ].

Alien Deck
Monsters ]
Normal Monsters
  • [ card here ]
  • [ card here ]
  • [ basically add as many as you need ]
Effect Monsters
  • [ card here ]
  • [ card here ]
  • [ basically add as many as you need ]
Tuner Monsters
  • [ card here ]
  • [ card here ]
  • [ basically add as many as you need ]
Pendulum Monsters
  • [ card here ]
  • [ card here ]
  • [ basically add as many as you need ]
Extra Deck ]
Ritual Monsters
  • [ card here ]
  • [ card here ]
  • [ basically add as many as you need ]
Fusion Monsters
  • [ card here ]
  • [ card here ]
  • [ basically add as many as you need ]
Synchro Monsters
  • [ card here ]
  • [ card here ]
  • [ basically add as many as you need ]
Xyz Monsters
  • [ card here ]
  • [ card here ]
  • [ basically add as many as you need ]
Spells ]
  • [ card here ]
  • [ card here ]
  • [ basically add as many as you need ]
Traps ]
  • [ card here ]
  • [ card here ]
  • [ basically add as many as you need ]


[ opponent ]

[ outcome ]

[ opponent ]
[ outcome ]


  • anything in blue is a link! you can just add links to them to correspond to whatever they're leading to on the wiki / other pages; the relationship links go with each anchor on the relationship page, so you just have to copy those and add them there \o/
  • [ info here ]
  • [ info here ]

Profile by Erandia
Edited by Ziodyne