


4 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Mia West Herd




21 (At death) 100+ (Now)


Sarcastic, Silly, Funny


Before she died, she was in highschool known as your "average goth", yet she has a completely different personality to one. She has a fun side and she cares about her friends and family... even more than life itself... But yet her and her cousin, Silver, always fought all the time. They both "hated" eachother (however this was only said since they both cut all ties to eachother). The reason they hated eachother was because when they were kids, Mia, Silver and Mia's father and mother were walking across the road when a car came by, Silver was able to save Mia but not Mia's parents. They died the next day and due to Silver's father not having enough money to take care of Mia aswell, they had to send Mia away to an orphanage. Mia was adopted by parents. One day she was out on a trip with her new parents and her new cousin. She and her family walked along the road and that same familiar car came back and hit her parents, her cousin was able to save her though. Her cousin was sent back to his family while she was sent to an orphanage. This time she escaped and ran off into another city and life was tough there, she had to rob banks every weekend to earn money to live. She ended up becoming a successful nurse. Mia decided to go back to her old home, she sees a family gathering Silver is hosting on a social media site. She goes back and tries to remember where Silver's house is when she sees the road again... She now felt like she knew where her house was and started to drive north. She knocks on the door only to have no response. She remembers that Silver always left a spare key near her (dead) plant. She doesn't want to enter without permission but she feels like something is wrong... and that she isn't the only one in Silver's house... She goes in only to find Silver dead on the cold hard floor. Devastated, she commits suicide by going on the road once again and gets hit by a car... This time nobody will save her... She then wakes up is a Ghost Dimension only for ghosts and she has fun there and has friends that make her forget about her pain... Until one day a human called Kazumi comes along in this ghost world and she sees someone special...