


4 years, 10 months ago


Ren is quite the interesting young woman, who choses to speak with careful words and a cunning wit. She preens for knowledge of all kinds, learning the world, the cultures, seeing everything there is. Due to this, she has very high pride for herself and the things she does, such as taking care of her younger sister and the amount of things she knows. Despite being reserved and quite the mature teen, however, Ren is without a doubt the easily-irritated type. You better be prepared to witness her bright red face, her puffy cheeks, and her loud huffiness if she loses her patience; people with no common sense are known to get the worst of her fury!

...However, she does seem to be quite cute when angry, making people prod her just to see her adorable tantrum.


"Rain rain go away..."

Name Ren
Age 14
Build Slim & frail
Species Annie
Gender Female
Orientation TBD
Pronouns she/her
Occupation tba
Creator starlipop & ogburrito
Worth 300$


Suspendisse auctor turpis sem, et iaculis mauris semper a. Quisque eros arcu, tempor ut risus vel, tincidunt pretium mauris. Aliquam vestibulum gravida imperdiet. Nulla lacinia ullamcorper magna vitae eleifend. Sed eu sem diam. Sed commodo, enim quis bibendum rhoncus, libero purus elementum diam, at egestas odio quam quis nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Ut non dictum augue. Curabitur viverra venenatis neque, eu faucibus purus commodo ac. Ut et elit diam. Integer vitae semper justo. Vivamus pellentesque porta felis nec imperdiet. Nam interdum nisi quis sem cursus, vitae posuere neque interdum.

Donec quis auctor diam. Mauris vel finibus est, non vestibulum mauris. Nulla facilisis rhoncus elit in viverra. Cras molestie pretium sem, eget interdum odio iaculis nec. In venenatis quam neque, vel cursus diam vehicula sed. Mauris sagittis laoreet nibh ut hendrerit. Cras dignissim ac ipsum eget viverra. Aenean semper eros vel tellus elementum, ut pharetra mauris luctus.

Sorrel is Lilium's beloved childhood friend. Growing up together in Yuyama, they shared the closest bonds when growing up, and still kept in touch when Lilium moved away. Nowadays, Lilium likes to send Sorrel letters of her everyday life and often complain and vent to her about her current life.
Character Name
Ut non dictum augue. Curabitur viverra venenatis neque, eu faucibus purus commodo ac. Ut et elit diam. Integer vitae semper justo. Vivamus pellentesque porta felis nec imperdiet. Nam interdum nisi quis sem cursus, vitae posuere neque interdum.
Character Name
Ut non dictum augue. Curabitur viverra venenatis neque, eu faucibus purus commodo ac. Ut et elit diam. Integer vitae semper justo. Vivamus pellentesque porta felis nec imperdiet. Nam interdum nisi quis sem cursus, vitae posuere neque interdum.