Epi persona



4 years, 10 months ago


Epi(zootix), formally known as �̡̕͜͏͇͖͚̲̰̙̘̣̺͓̤�̵̸̷̧͈̞̲̳͓͔̹͖̲͇͍̪̯̟̮͟�̛͉͈̟͇̱̫̳͉͕͠ͅͅ�̴̫̻̞̩̲̬̦̥͔̟̥̱͈̱͇͘͟͡�̷̨̺̠͕̥̹̦͖͓͎̠̮͚̰͎̠�̛̱̟̯̹̻̟̣̀͜͠ gained a human body from trading it with a depressed man. The two met underwater, after the man attempted to take his own life.

Epi, being a magical octopus creature, offered ǝ̻̭̹̞̣͈ɾ̴҉͖̜͖̙͈͕͖ͅʇ̞̫ǝ̷̧͔͠p̣͟u̷̡̙̗̪̜̯̪̪͙̪ë͚͎͢͝ɥ̸̣̼̣͎̳̳̰̀͘s̷҉̛͇̥̹͙ɹ̴̶̖̥͇̳̩͕̜ͅë̲̖͚̙̥̜̖̳͜Ԁ̟͉̤ for his body. The man accepted, and the octopus soon moved in.

It takes residence in the skull after absorbing and replacing the brain.

A magical octopus and a human don’t mix, of course, the body’s DNA was altered and morphed to host it’s new ‘brain’.

The tentas on his head are functional - Between them is the standard beak of an octopus. Epi uses this to eat. Feeding himself before offering magic to supply his vessel with nutrients. Food and drink can go down his throat to feed it. But it usually ends up in his vessel choking. Not unfixable, but annoying to deal with.

His human eyes were boring, so he mixed them up a bit, one sees monotones, the other vivid colours. Having both open weirdly mixes before the signal hits his optic chiasm, making things look normal until he closes one of eyes. It’s very bizarre, but also fun. Changing the eyes mean changing the way they work. After seeing cries for the first time, Epi assumed their eyes where melting, and so, that’s what his eyes do.

The two large sabor like teeth in his mouth are actually two halves of an octopus peak at an awkward angle. Any maw without a beak is a sad maw indeed.

Sometimes he misses the use of his cephalopod limbs, which is why he can be seen with them sprouting from the spine occasionally.

His vessel is killable, and can be wounded (but can heal lightly faster; due to “the brain being sentient” it can know exactly what is wrong, and how the best way to heal it as fast as possible. Even as far as enhanced regeneration backed by magic.

Epi (The octopus) is not killable via manmade methods. He can be killed with specific magics though.

He spends most of his days wondering about, attempting to learn about people and ‘how to human’. Or human things and inventions. He's fascinated by mobiles, but can't understand how one 'internets'.

Maybe when his vessel gets old and dies, he’ll take on another. He likes how it’s going so far

He also really likes energy drinks and smoking ‘fun stuff’. Human’s are really interesting.