


7 years, 10 months ago


Age: No set age. Can be anywhere from 8-16 in appearance.

Sexuality: None / Asexual

Personality: Happy, bubbly, and friendly. Shy with new people, but never hurtful or mean. Curious and excitable. 

Extra facts: She has autism, and will attempt to bite / eat anything given to her as a grounding mechanism- this is why she is commonly found chewing on her star pillow. Her favourite colours are pastel blue and purple, and only ever dresses in these colours.

Her chicken is called ChickpeaYHQErcP.gif

Daisy is my Mascot / Persona and one of my older OCs. 

I use her for anything needing representation by me- she doesn't look like me, but this character was based off what I wanted to be when I was around 13-16. She was also created through trauma that I hold in my teen years, as a coping mechanism to escape reality, so please DO NOT put ANYTHING traumatic, stressful, or emotional into any art done of her.

This character is a MINOR as she was created with a child's perspective and is childlike in nature! Please keep that in mind when drawing her!

Common mistakes: 

Her hair is meant to be a very  light blonde, not white. 

She has a bow on her tail, not a bracelet. 

The gold ring on her dress and frills are often forgotten.

The chick on her head is also often forgotten, but not detrimental. 

Her star pillow is comforting to her and she bites it as a form of grounding! Drawing her without it is allowed, but she's rarely seen without it near.