Emil's Comments

SushiTails hey! could I please have him? 🥺

I love desert themed characters so this guy would probably know a couple of my desert characters, who live in a series of canyon! Or he’d live in the Sandlands in my Lion King spin-off story uwu

Name: Reagan 

He’s a laidback dude who loves warm sand and small critters. He could lay in the sun forever but sadly he has work to do! His favourite snack is tacos and his favourite drink is lemonade. He also quite enjoys fruits and nuts. 

Name: Seattle 

Personality: even thought he may look like he might kill you doesn't mean he will he is actually quite kind and playful <3 he lover cookie dough not chocolate chip tho- just plain cookies!

I would use him in a story im writing as a brother to the main character as he comes into the story they get more attached to him and then he turns into a member of the quest!

Name ~ Kea ( Like the mountain Volcano! Mauna Kea! )

Personality ~Picky, funny, Open-minded, stubborn, alert, Messy.

I would be using him a lot. Most likely going to be one of my mains! I would probably only add gauges to his ears :0 ( unless you don't want me too )

He would probably be used in some roleplays and play a good but bad guy? Kind of like Deadpool or Harley Quinn <3

He can be pretty rude but hes the best person to talk to your problems about, he can be a super sweet bab.Â