Leyla Asguard



4 years, 11 months ago


Name: Leyla Asguard 

Gender: Cis Female

Age: 26 (well more around 4000 actually!)

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Alien 

Occupation: Locksmith

Height: 5’4

Weight: 156lbs


Leyla is a fun and bright minded alien with a heart of gold. Nothing seems to get this alien down even from the most major setbacks. She’s brave and courageous, helping others with this mindset in times of need. However this girl seems to have a lot of problems that she sets aside, not letting others know exactly what it’s ever about. How suspicious! She seems to laugh everything off as some sort of joke when she clearly isn’t enjoying herself. How odd.

Background: Leyla is originally from Venus, venturing down to earth with her mother and father in order for more job opportunities! She father helped create some features such as the Golden Gate Bridge and the pryamids of Egypt, you know, standard stuff. Leylas passion is working on locks for anything really, but her favourite to work on are couple locks, which are padlocks that couples attach to bridges. In the early 2010’s Leyla’s father committed suicide from jumping from a bridge. The place where he jumped is heavily decorated with hundreds of locks and flowers thanks to Leyla and her mother’s hard work. Leyla still continues her work and continues to visit there a lot, she lives with her mum. 

Likes: Gardening, Bridges, Parties

Dislikes: Mud, Water, Slience