ᴋᴀʟᴇᴍ's Comments

A BABY!! Anyone here on on RoachVomit you like?

I'm sorry no

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What a gorgeous design! What are you looking for for this cutie?

I'm unsure tbh.

Whatcha willing to offer?

USD or characters :) If you want you can check out my account and if you see someone (or someones!) you'd want to trade, feel free to let me know. There are only a few in my entire TH that I would be reluctant to let go of, so you don't have to stay limited to my UFS folder! If no one interests you, do you have an amount of $ you would want to sell him for possibly?

I'd like to sell him for 45$? If that's ok?

I'll have to see how big my paycheck is Friday :) I'll get back to you!

Please keep me up to date I'd love to give this lad a amazing home that will give him the attention hwr deserves.

Sorry to bother but any news?