Tatsu (Dragalge)



4 years, 11 months ago


 Name: Tatsu (Japanese for Dragon)

 Pokemon: Dragalge

 Age: 26

 Birthday: July 17

 Village: Radiant Harbor

 Job: Pearl Diver

 Ability: Poison Touch - while making physical contact with the enemy during an attack, she may be able to poison them.


        Poison Tail - slams the enemy with her tail, possibly inflicting poison

        Waterfall  - charges at enemy in a rush of water. Water either comes from the air  around her or nearby natural source (i.e. the ocean).

 Likes: The  ocean, fishing, sunsets, humidity, fashionable clothing (especially  silk) and jewelry (particularly things made from ocean ingredients, i.e.  pearls), teasing people, reading and attempting poetry, swimming,  diving for treasure, the color purple

 Dislikes: Studying, cold weather, distance-swimming or running, poultry, people who take advantage of others, people who are too serious

 Personality: Cool  and comfortable in her own skin. Enjoys teasing people good-naturedly,  but has a good sense of how far is too far. Protective of those younger  than her and of non-ginjinka pokemon. Doesn't have much of a temper, but  if you trigger it, watch out. Tends to play peace-keeper in arguments,  but doesn't mind playful fights.

In  romance, she is only interested in women and tends to be rather  flirtatious if she thinks the individual may be receptive. Usually  recognizes when guys are interested and tries to let them down easy, but  may have a bit of fun first if they don't seem to be shy or appear to  be a womanizer/player. Tends to date around and enjoy getting to know  people rather than settling down.


Was  born into a well-off merchant family in Sky Village before the Kami  Wars. Growing up, Tatsu was a mischievous girl and loved to play pranks  on anyone who crossed her path. She got in trouble at school often, but  the teachers recognized she was smarter than she let on. It wasn't until  she was in her late teens, after she played a rather cruel prank that  went farther than she had anticipated, that she realized the  consequences of her actions and started to be more cautious of others'  feelings.

After she was old enough to  start working, Tatsu found she had a talent for navigating the seas and  swimming, and decided to help on one of the family's usual customers'  fishing vessels.

Tatsu's family survived  the war, having had enough money and sense of self-preservation to  mostly avoid it; Tatsu didn't hide with her parents, but still managed  to avoid most of the horrors.

When the new  villages were formed, Tatsu's family established themselves in the  Radiant Harbor, and slowly rebuilt their trading company. They had less  status than before the war, but still didn't struggle. Tatsu, still  off-put by her family's cowardice, chose not to go into the family  business but still helped out by becoming a pearl diver. Her love of the  ocean and slim figure allowed her to brave the harbor's depths, fitting  through tight spaces to get ocean treasures undiscovered by other  divers. She takes more risks in the ocean than some would prefer (and  more than her parents know), but she has a good handle on her abilities  and has never gotten anywhere she couldn't get out of on her own.

 Additional info: 

        Has  a pet poliwag named Wiggly who she adores. Gets offended if people  complain about his slimy coat since her own tail and head-fronds are a  bit slimy.

        Do  NOT touch her tail. Not only does she HATE it, but her slime coat is  poisonous and if you have a papercut, you could get sick D:

        Her  robe is made of a fine silk, and was a gift from her parents. The black  one-piece under it is made of a light material that dries very quickly.  When she goes diving, she folds and stashes her robe, socks, and shoes,  and simply waits for herself to dry before putting them back on. If you  stain or otherwise damage her robe, there WILL be a problem.


                Mother is a Dragalge, father is a Malamar; somewhat close to both  parents, but prefers her mother slightly. Both parents manage a trading  company in Radiant Harbor. Her father prefers to play it safe in most  situations and is particularly cowardly; her mother goes along with it  but typically at least recognizes it and might have reservations. Both  parents worry about Tatsu but recognize their daughter's headstrongness  and ability to deal with the ocean even better than they could.

                No siblings or surviving grandparents; few cousins she grew up visiting scattered around Radiant Harbor and nearby towns.

                Pet Poliwag (Wiggly) is definitely part of the family.