
Aryana Binti Mazlan Shah (أريانا بنت مازلان شاه )
Basic language
Malay Kedah accents,Siam & English
Chaotic Neutral
16 years old
149 cm
Ethincity Species
Terra/Human(Malay patani-kedah)
Bounty hunter
Lil' Thinker / the loose cannon
Systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE)
Martial Status
Single (not interested)



Young prodigy, Aryana Mazlan Shah, has been labeled as disgrace engineer by the Technology Academy Institute. She has been expelled from the academy due to her chaotic inventions. Following the unfortunate event, Arya loses her mother. This leaves her alone without anyone to rely on or to guide her.With a pile of debt her mother left behind, Arya loses her home in the process. This leads Arya to break down both mentally and physically. Eventually, she realized her health condition is becoming even more dire, which left her with no choice but to become a thief, in order to survive.Until one lucky day she accidently released a lava entity from his own prison of 500 years. A new fond friendship will build between these two overtime.Arya decided to not turn in her new friend who is now her caretaker, guardian, and a father figure to her.


Arya is one smart brilliant chaotic,unpredictable-hyperactive inventor.Aside of her innovative in invention, Arya appears to be observant, mischief and cunning nature side is build up upon due to past event she have been through because of poor unfair treatment from the society.This results in her becoming a very hardened person to have a bit of anti hero persona with self-centered hence arrogance characteristics,cheap,hoarder and stingy when comes to the point for herself benefits.Aside from that,she appear to have some quite short-tempered issue,whenever her anger getting the best of her.She get to be vindictive and not afraid to fight back.Above all of this,as a Malay ...she still have her self-discipline and well-mannered behaviour attached to her especially to show more respect to people whom is older than her. She cares a lot for her family/team especially her father figure,Flint.... but she is a little rough around the edges sometimes.She knows she is imperfect,worthless and unwell to the point sometimes her sickness beat her to the point she is unable to walk through her days.However, that doesn't stop her easily, She tend to show that she is still have great physical resilience, emotional strength, and complete fearlessness to get through whatever hardship comes.


atychiphobia (fear to fail), Atelophobia (obsessive fear for imperfections) Due to because of her asian parenting mother high expectation of success on her when she was younger.Thalassophobia & Astrophobia.Due to neuro illness she have dementophobia (fear of losing control from reality)


  • Arya's origin hair was brown.Since she made the deal.Her hair changes its colour due to possesing mystical knowledge and ability
  • Arya's eye will turn neon pink in a certain situation
  • Arya wearing hood all the time especially in public. It is symbolism of assasin vibe and remain mysterious of all time.
  • Medicine is part of her drug daily lives in order to control her inflammation
  • Was designed on 2015 and a bit combination old archieve character.Redesign more into personal culture related
  • Her concept is basically based on very old ancient people culture in South East Asians (Malays race)
  • Have a couple of canine sharp human teeth/fangs. similar traits of her family for generations
  • The Naga or dragon concept is brought up since it have been long gone in the old ancient culture. After the colonization most important manuscript about our culture have been stolen. However the naga culture Is still there remains as a legends story among its people such as Naga Tasik Chini.


  • her team (the only family she have now)+mia
  • adventure Mischiveous plot
  • Wayang kulit (وايڠ كوليت)
  • spicy foods
  • video games/ weapon and guns
  • fireworks
  • being champion


  • her biological father
  • having long hair the main reason why she always cut her hair short
  • medicine
  • forgotten/abandoned/replaced
  • calling her stupid, small
  • selfish rich people/crowded place
  • Losing/ 2nd place in competition/failure


  • She have experience in silat.
  • Although she is the chaotic type,She is really smart in observation.Allow to take make the oppurtunity to take an advantage to manipulate the situation. Which is the part of her, most people didn't expect
  • Quite handy in using weapons and guns
  • Cunning and smart


  • Creativity to create invention of her own
  • Phantom Dash, rogue assasins like ancestral martial art ability.With the queen(cloak) by her side, She be able to perform unimagimable than normal human can do.This includes giving her more way better in handling her health,more stamina,strength, agility and better in fighting even hand to hand combat
  • With the queen sharing her knowledge, Arya be able to use that knowledge and combine with the recent technology.This allow her to perform a light titanium dragon claws and light energy titanium dragon tails.Especially for a purpose of closed combat and climbing.
  • Mystical doppelganger,Even if arya without her cloak.The cloak herself(queen control) can take her appearance form as arya's counterparts.This way they both can outsmart their enemy.


  • Had to lived her whole life depends on medicine either way.The cloak only act as her "health support".
  • Without medicine,she cannot control her inflammation.This will cause to put her life line on the edge.
  • Can still get ill pretty easily if the environment she lives in is not healthy.This effect her a major health issue.
  • She can have memory loss problem, dizzyness,brain fog due to her chronic ill (NPSLE) effecting her brain mainly.Since she is ill, she easily get overthinking, change of mood and stress. Stress is not good for her health.
  • Using it too often will cause her energy drained
  • Have quite a huge hunger appetite after all her energy drained by the cloak
  • Have anger issues, at some points her word maybe logical but also can hurt people around her.
  • Get depress so easily when she had her failure moment.Have some quite self-esteem issues all the time. She often doesn't show much but can only be seen through her behaviour or from herself speaking about it.


  • She likes her maniacal laugh for some reason.This creeps other people out at some point when she have mental breakdown.
  • Only arya be able to hear the inner voice from the queen
  • Because of her NPSLE, if she didn't take medicine for a long time.Her mind will be screw up causing her to feel unsure herself to differentiate the reality and fantasy sometimes.
  • Weapons and guns are kept inside her snatchel which only can be appear when she about to use it. as long she still carry around her ultility belt
  • Arya is always a right-handed.So holding her Kris always on the right hand
  • Only she or her ancestral/ decendant, blood related family can weild the ancient Kris.
  • Introvert and mostly shows some cold shoulder to stranger but remains respectful at the same time.
  • Although,she always considered as still a kid.But she actually always have a matured thinking of an adult and always open her mind especially with the world she lives in.
  • Doesn't show her "true colours" side. Don't awake the dragon or you'll be suprise with this young girl can do.


Tired, exhausted, failure, and self hatred... Feelings that have been piled up into her for so long. Arya is starting to feel sick of being looked down on by others, being unable to do more than the average person because of her dire health condition. She is trying to find an alternative to keep moving forward without depending on drugs too often.That is when she is agree making a deal to obtain more knowledge from the help of Legendary Queen of the Naga Lake, in order to have the knowledge to strengthen her abilities beyond any other human can do

Sometimes you have to take the risk in order to do more than what you are doing now




Since their first encounter incident, flint has been taking her under his care.Both end up to be inseparable duo and Arya be able to find out more about of her long lost uncle.Overtime,she noticed flint is behaving a lot fathery like figure towards her.It makes her feels annoyed with him sometimes with too much rules here and there.Look on other side of that,she actually felt grateful and appreciated that flint have been looking after her ever since.Unfortunately, she is too egoistic to tell him that



She sold her mother's jewellery just to save the life of an old brokedown samurai warbot,from getting end up into industrial furnace factory. By recovering him,hoping to have more advantage for bounty hunting in the future.Yet, these two are grown closer by then.They both often getting along by telling jokes and sharing opinions.Stone always supportive to her, listen to her and feels like she have her own big brother


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Often known as The Legendary Naga Seri Gumum among old Malays folks culture.The queen was "generous"enough to share her knowledges to Arya.Even giving a helping hand for her to be able to fight well, a fierceful fighter.As arrogant she is towards others she would still guide arya to always be more prepare with the future outcome.



"Awat hang comei sangat ???? " . //Doesn't stop hugging her