Tarung (wip)



4 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Tarung Walangka


250 years old


Djinn (Saka Harimau) / genie in english


Sheikh Abdullah's personal guardian /body guard


Can be Selfish when comes importance for himself tho he is also responsible towards his duty as a leader of the djinn villagers, have high ego of his pride but deep down he is care towards Abdullah, short-tempered, courages and a bit naive

Martial Status



Can transform/ represent humans , other animals but mainly are tigers, Can posses human using them as his puppets, telepathic,give strength and immortality to his owner during battle

created from

smokeless fire


His Wife, family in his back homeland, wayang kulit,silat

Common language speaking

Malays, Javaneese


about 187cm




Ungrateful humans/creature (bragging what they dont have while they have literally have everything)


Bio:- Tarung is the leader of djinn pack whom live in realm of djinn around in javaneese land. (editing)


  • Have a longer life span than human does
  • Highly intelegent creature 
  • Bracelet around his arm symbolised that he is owned by a certain human
  • Can talk in many different language
  • Tarung can only be seen by his owner, animals and to people whom he wanted them to see him physically and mentally. Most of the time he cannot be seen with gross vision
  • He can understand animal language and animals can understand him
  • He walks all four just like feral tiger does but sometimes he walks with 2 
  • Disobey his owner(human) would causing him harm himself. The bracelet around his arm started to glow deep red. Burn his arm and feeling heavy to carry on.
  • He could not being too far away from his owner because of the bloody bond agreement.
  • This mystical being  is often used by the previous old folks of nusantara (malays, javaneese, Indonesia, Philipines and  Thai) people to take care of their offspring, fortune, homeland and use of martial art for protection(Silat). If it is breached, then he will make the intruders pay for what they did until they are arrested.
  • In battle, Tarung will combine his strength with his owner to fight. He be able to give his owner an immortality for a very short of time. (meaning if the owner get hit,shot or harmed. he won't be hurted not even a bit)
  • Other than that, if a descendant is stirred, then He will turn himself  into a tiger (or turn into something horrorfying to spook ) until the enemy runs in fear. 

  • Clothes based upon Malay's tradition of "samping" and warrior of the legendary Hang Tuah
  • Some part of clothes based on silat tradition
  • Horns based on a djinn illustrations views.
  • ears of a tiger and hair of a lion (because he based on malay's saka harimau)
  • He's additional claw behind his feet based on rooster back claw and Silat's weapon called "Kerambit"