


4 years, 10 months ago


shapeshifter god

"and none of them would know that i was secretly myself!"

my main sona/mascot! that's me! it's a fun-loving irresponsible god who doesn't take much seriously, playing with the fabric of the universe on a whim.

Design notes
  • it has a very simple base appearance, with a rounded head, two pointed "ears," sharp teeth and claws, and defined round patches on its cheeks.
  • it also often has a v-shaped nose, patches of fuzz on its head and chin, and a defined neck pouch to match its cheek patches. its neck/cheek pouches can fill with air and puff up.
  • it generally has some sort of pointed tail, and can also have extra features, such as wings, horns, extra eyes or limbs, or a halo.
  • it has no true base color palette. it's most often some sort of shade of lime green, but it often changes its colors and patterns for fun.
  • when wearing clothes, it almost always has some sort of patterned button-up with shorts. it also enjoys wearing suits.
  • since it can change its form at will, it can also shapeshift to quite literally any sort of creature. its two main alternate forms are its dragon form and its "orb" form, but it can theoretically be any animal or creature it desires. it can even be as simple as shifting to four legs instead of two. however, in whatever form it takes, it nearly always retains its rounded head, pointed ears or horns, and cheek patches.

since it's a god, it has no true "home," and instead will choose a world to live in for a period of time, whether it's one of its own worlds or not. it uses its shapeshifting capabilities to blend in with whatever world it's currently staying. the closest thing it has to a homeworld is the godly pantheons of sylphas and edia. it's known to them as a minor god and angel, one that routinely shirks its duties. sui is very private about who it allows to know of its true nature as a god, because it much prefers to be seen as an equal rather than the all-powerful entity it truly is.
it enjoys creating worlds, but often abandons them while they're half-finished, leading to the worlds and characters within them changing on their own, and often in catastrophic ways. this most notably happened with the individual that would become mastermind, an alter-ego of sui hellbent on total destruction of the universe.
as fun as it is to have absolute power, sui is very isolated due to its role as a god. it's aware to some degree that it's a fictional character in a fictional world, created as a representation of an entity in an altogether different reality that it will never know anything about.
its existence can never be unique, only ever a projection of someone else. which begs the question, can it even be considered an individual at all, or is it just an echo?
who knows! sui doesn't! so it doesn't think about it. it's better that way.