Azriel Zakiah



4 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Azriel Zakiah


Az, Azzie (when he was younger)










He believes in the Goddess (the bringer of life, a mother to all, and the creator of everything), Asura’mnir (the goddess of love, generosity and kindness), and Karudar (the deity of wisdom, knowledge and work)


Neutral Good


Dragon Warrior


Full Name: Azriel Zakiah

Age: 513

Birthdate: 9th March

Dragon Warrior Type/Birth Magic: Light

Second Learned magic: Water

Third Learned magic: n/a

Fourth Learned magic: n/a

Magical Mastery Level

First Magic: Light, Master

Second Magic: Water, Average

Third Magic: n/a

Fourth Magic: n/a

Birth Region: The light kingdom

Current Residence: The Light kingdom

Religion: He believes in the Goddess (the bringer of life, a mother to all, and the creator of everything), Asura’mnir (the goddess of love, generosity and kindness), and Karudar (the deity of wisdom, knowledge and work)

Status: Alive

Personality: Azriel is a very kindhearted, warm, and welcoming individual. He likes to smile and to make others smile and feel well. He can also be somewhat stubborn and doesn’t give up easily on things, even to the point where he may upset himself due to constant failure. On a more positive note, he doesn’t give up on people when they need him.

Stance on humanity: Although he tries to convince himself and others that he has a neutral view leaning slightly positive, he does actually have a little of a negative view, knowing the damage they cause to the environment and others.

Occupation: He works as a healer at a sanctuary in the light kingdom.

Skills & Abilities: He is very good at what he does, he’s an apt healer and also makes for a good listener. He’s confident and patient.

Strengths: Azriel is good at healing injuries of others, even able to heal extreme injuries with time. He doesn’t give up and likes to see things through to the end.

Weaknesses: He’s a pacifist and thus isn’t very good at fighting (however he can give a flash of light, startling and temporally blinding enemies). He can be too trusting at times and can also get too invested to the point where it effects him emotionally.

Backstory: Azriel was once a teacher at a school, loving to share knowledge and teach people. He loved having the positive influence on others and helping people when he could. He has since left teaching and now works at a Sanctuary of Asura'Mnir where he spends his time and efforts healing and helping people in need.

It was at the sanctuary where he met his partner, Zeo,, and they became friends and often worked together, and eventually fell in love.
It was also in the sanctuary, many years later, where Billy as a young child, barely 7 years old, showed up one day. Azriel and Zeo helped Billy around the sanctuary, and Azriel would teach him education suitable for Billy's age. Azriel and Zeo decided together to adopt Billy, and there they became family.


Zeo Zakiah - Spouse

Billy Bates - Son

Hugo Chillrose - Ex-best friend

Extra Notes:

- Azriel is chunky and always has been

- Azriel likes to wear mostly light coloured clothes

- He likes to wear fancy clothes (waistcoats, suits, bow ties, etc.)

- His favourite colour is yellow, followed by sky blue

- he likes to keep himself well groomed, in both his true form and draconic form

- he gives very good hugs

- When designing his draconic form, his horns were designed to look like a halo

- His draconic form was also loosely inspired by swans