Zazra Rodriguez



5 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Zazra Rodriguez










She believed in True Darkness but now believes in The Goddess


Dragon Warrior




Full Name: Zazra Rodriguez

Age: 74 (past) Present - ???

Gender: Cis Female

Magic Types(s): Dark (birth magic)

Religion: She used to have faith in True Darkness but more recently her faith has withered and she’s turned to the Goddess, loving and appreciating her message of a second chance

Zazra is a dark type dragon warrior who lives in a very traditional dark type culture. She believes in and enables the abusive and tough community she lives in.

Zazra's body is covered in scars due to the community she lived in, believing in causing others pain to make them stronger and fighting more than talking, they aren’t often visible however as she wears clothing that covers most of her body and she also wears makeup, covering any marks on her face and neck

Zazra talked in a calming tone to her child(ren) and to others, she offered “comforting” words, but in reality she was just backing up the abusive system of their traditional dark type culture
She’d tell them it’s ok, that this is how they get stronger and one day they will be strong for this, it’s for their own good, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, but she’d say this all while hushing and smiling and caressing
She’s surprisingly strong in despite her slim body

One day her youngest and weakest son, Billy, went missing. She never followed up on it, believing it to be a test and he would return if he was strong enough.

This caused her husband to be more violent towards her eldest son and herself

Many years pass and her eldest son grows into an adult, traumatised and hurt by his life he disappeared without warning, and she found herself at a loss and finally reached her breaking point. She felt that everything she ever loved had left her, and she was stuck with her abusive husband alone.

Soon afterwards she started having dreams, awful and horrifying dreams, of a ghostly woman whose body was broken, telling her to leave and that she'll be next. These dreams continued and continued until she took the message and packed her stuff one night and left while Lazarus was asleep.
She wandered for a while, not knowing what to do with herself or where to go, travelling to hopefully find herself. One day by chance she ran into her eldest son, Safnar, and his partner, Morwenna. Zazra was overjoyed to see her son again and see that he's safe- her son not so much, though Morwenna convinced Safnar to give Zazra a chance and their relationship, over time, got less antsy.
Over this time Zazra also became friends with Morwenna's mum, Xena, and their friendship bloomed into a best friendship. At first Zazra was clueless about the world, and Xena took her fishing with her, and she learned to fish. Fishing with each other became talking to each other which turned into trust with each other. Finally for once in her life she was happy.

She had a few run ins with her husband, horrifying run ins.
One in particular when Lazarus had found Zazra and Safnar, resulting in Lazarus and Safnar fighting and eventually both fell off a cliff. Morwenna dove to find Safnar, but Lazarus was left for the ocean to decide his fate.

Later in the future she meets a dragon warrior named Victor Rodriguez, a historian with a gentle soul and a good sense of humour, and who also happens to be a spirit type.
Zazra opens up to him about the dreams she's been having about this spirit she's seeing, and she's happy to have someone who can understand.
They talk more and become friends and with time they fall in love, Zazra not understanding the feeling at first, but it's the happiest she's felt in her life.

In time the two decide to travel the world, Zazra learning new things, and Victor revisiting old places and friends.
During their long travels they conceive and give birth to a beautiful girl named Amora