Wicked Rose



4 years, 10 months ago




5'8 ft
Body type:
Gender Female
Pansexual, panromantic
Birthday August 21st (Wicked), September 30th (Rose)


Witchcraft, hexes, red, potion brewing, cats (Wicked). Pink, coffee, dogs, floral prints, knitting, donuts (Rose)


Pink, dogs, technology, heros (Wicked). Thunderstorms, watered down drinks, bugs, bigotry (Rose), both are afraid of fire.


Wicked Rose is actually two people in one, two souls to be exact as the result of a hex. One of a Wicked, old world witch, and one of a normal college student by the name of Rose. While Wicked tries to be villanous, Rose stops her and fights to be a superhero, for the good of their city and humanity. Rose seems to internally struggle with having an evil witches soul, and has tried multiple times to exercise her out of her body, to not avail. She soon realizes that without the witch, Rose would no longer have any powers, and they learn to work together instead of against. Wicked is the redheaded side, that favors red, and Rose is the blonde with a love for pink. When not in their superhero gig, Rose is the dominate person. Her hair fully turns blonde instead split, has brown eyes, and favors pink hoodies and sweatpants, like a typical college student.


While Wicked is flirty, chaotic, evil, and manipulative, Rose is the exact opposite; shy, timid, self-conscious, but deep down is incredibly brave and intelligent. Both seem to be pretty open-minded and accepting, though. Rose struggles much more than Wicked, especially with mental health and accepting herself. Despite all this, Wicked is actually very wise, and helps Rose with different things that a younger person like herself wouldn't understand at first. Rose is also a romantic person, something Wicked protests.


Before Rose, born as Rosalee Mary Walsh, was even born, her mother and father had a great fear of having a daughter. They were superstitious, and deeply believed a witch had put a hex on their great-great-great Grandmother, who had helped burn the witch at the stake, a common way to kill convicted witches back then. The hex would only affect one daughter at random, who ended up being Rose. It worked, and Rose was born with half the soul of the very same witch that was burned, known as Agnes. Her parents were terrified of her, which only worsened when Rose showed signs of magick powers. They locked their daughter away for a while, but decided to send her off to a school away from home. This was an incredibly strict catholic school, in hopes they could 'heal' her. She indured her entire childhood and teen years being forced to pray and be exercised, in an attempted to get the witches soul out of her. None of these worked, and when she turned 18, she was kicked out. With no one there besides the witch she shared a soul with, Rose was stuck in a large with no money or anywhere to go. She lived in shelter to shelter, working odd jobs. While living on the streets, Rose had witnessed terrible crimes, this caused her to refuse to give into her evil side and just fueled her want to become a superhero. Rose managed to get into a community college, with what money she had earned. Little by little, she created her persona of Wicked Rose, and slowly accepted Agnes as apart of herself. Begrudgingly, the witch accepted her fate, and worked with Rose. She created her costume using simple cloth and sewing, and carved her staff with the help of Agnes, now known as Wicked. The witch also helped create her book of spells, and taught her how to brew potions. Her first day as a superhero was awkward, but she managed to show her skill with magick, and was accepted with open arms by heroes.

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