
Age: 25 (Human Years)

Personality: Day dreamer, Stubborn, Protective, bossy, and compassionate.

Likes: Sleep, chocolate, coffee, night time, helping others

Dislikes: Mornings, Stupid people, hot temperatures, Prejudice, her broken wing.  

Skills: Medicine, knife fighting, Strategy, and heavy lifting

Weaknesses: Can't fly, big mouth, weak self esteem

Parents: N/A

Best friend: Jackson (Childhood friend)

Teacher: Emmett (Lead medic of the GSA)

Significant Other: No one atm 


 Alice always dreamed about flying in the sky and being free as a bird but When she was younger, just starting to grow her wings, she got caught in a land slide, a rock falling on one of her still developing wings and crushing it. The landslide had also nearly taken her life but luckily a traveling doctor found her and saved her before it was too late. The doctor told her that her wing would never work again. It was the one thing he couldn't fix. She would never be able to fly. Crushed, Alice fell into a deep depression. It got so bad that she nearly took her own life, and she would've succeed if the same doctor from before hadn't intervened. He helped bring her out of her depression and inspired her to help others just as he helped her. So instead of joining the GSA as a soldier like most of her kind did, she decided she would help others and become a Medic, helping wounded soldiers and civilians and saving lives.