
Name: Serena

Age: 20 (Human years)

Personality: Realist, stubborn, Confident, caring, independent 

Likes: peace, motorcycles, rain, being independent, nights, flowers, sweet foods

Dislikes: being controlled, extreme temperatures, feeling helpless, hurting others, asking for help

Skills: motorcycle racing, smart, self sufficient

Weaknesses: Fighting, hates asking others for help, weak

Parents: N/A

Former Best friend: Lucy 

Significant other: No one atm


    Serena had a rather chaotic childhood. Her dad was and alcoholic and incredibility abusive towards her mom and her. Many nights he would come home and beat her mom as she tried to protect her. Eventually Her and her mother managed to get away from him and live on their own, but they lived in poverty and Serena had to drop out of school and work to help support the house. 

    One day she met a man that she thought was the love of her life, their relationship felt like a fairy tale... at first... Eventually he became abusive and started beating her. Only knowing how her father treated her mother, Serena saw this as normal and never tried to leave her boyfriend, letting him beat her both physically and emotionally. One day, she saw a woman preaching on the street about how woman need to be treated better. She went up and talked to the woman, asking her many questions. She learns that her name is Lucy, and the two talk about their experiences. She finally realizes that how her boyfriend has been treating her is not right, and Lucy manages to convince Serena to leave him.    

    Afterwards the two keep in touch and become best friends. They start a group with the goal of fighting for a better world. Thing start to go down hill though when Lucy starts talking about enslaving and sacrificing men to some goddess. More and more people start to join their little group and the next thing she knows, their group, meant for making the world a better place for females, has become some sort of terrible cult with the goal of enslaving or killing all males in the world.

    Serena confronts Lucy about this, telling her that this is not how to help others like them! But it appears her friend is too far gone. She runs away, terrified of what will happen if she stays. After a few months she manages to make a peaceful life for herself, working at a flower shop and living on her own. Things are starting to look better until one day she finds a letter sitting on her bed. It's a invitation from Lucy, to see the dawn of a new era where males will no longer be in charge. This can't be happening! She has to tell someone about this!