Qiguan Soushin



5 years, 15 hours ago

Basic Info


Qiguan Shousin


Male, he/they


464 human years (58 Zilariun years)


Zilariun (closed)

Height (in human form):


Hegiht (in true form):



Earth, water and storm magic


Jaqni (wife), Elanceria (sister-in-law), Thuunawein (son), Giranja (daughter), Herala (daughter), Coldfire (son-in-law), Gemma-Nix (granddaughter)


High King of House Chirnagon


Qiguan Shousin

Male . High King . House Chirnagon

Many are truly impressed by Qiguan’s inability to get easily stressed by his role as King of Chirnagon. He’s almost always cheerful and greets everyone like they’re the best person to have ever existed. He’s almost way too relaxed with his duties and honestly seems to avoid them, instead spending much of his time amongst his people, socialising with them and making sure they’re happy. Qiguan is very gentle and pretty welcoming all round. He of course, like all Zilariuns, is somewhat cautious of Foreigners, but has let them previously wander his land under the condition they follow the Zilariun laws. He puts his family and his people before his duty. He’s always been there for his children, trying to keep them in line, but not being strict about it. The reason he tries not to be strict, is because of the way he was raised. His parents were strict, even with their people, setting tight rules about almost everything. No except the warriors could leave the main city without going through a whole process if they lived there. Even the warriors had tight laws regarding leaving. Qiguan tried to fight against these rules, but only got punished for it, so he resorted to often rebelling against them - which only got him in more trouble with his parents when he got caught. When he was punished, it only urged him to rebel more. It was only when there were guests from other Houses, that he would behave himself. Before he met the twins Jaqni and Elanceria, they were only human and they were only coming to be tested about being servants, following in their mother’s footsteps. When they proved to be more skilled than most children their age, they were given the honour of becoming Qiguan’s personal handmaidens. This meant they were given a magic elixir that changed their genetics, allowing them to shift into dragon forms and live longer than a human, and more like a Zilariun. This elixir was made by a local multi-profession doctor by the name of Zorei. The trio’s bond grew closer and closer over the years, especially between Qiguan and Jaqni, which made Elanceria jealous. Qiguan began to fall in love with Jaqni, and tried to gain permission from his parents to be with her, but was refused and scolded. When the Krege War broke out a while after his 16th birthday, Qiguan’s parents left to fight in the war, as did the twins’ father, who had also been given the Elixir a long time before, since he was a Krege doctor. By the end of the war, both Qiguan’s parents and the twins’ father had been killed, crushing them deeply. Qiguan grieved more than the twins, since he lost both his parents, and a good chunk of his people. Jaqni and Elanceria comforted him through this lose, despite their own. This of course, appointed him as king, and he pushed himself to move on. Without the pressure of his parents and their refusal for their love, Qiguan could finally express his love for Jaqni. Once Qiguan was around 20, he proposed to Jaqni, and she accepted immediately, marrying not long after. It was a few years before they conceived their first child, Thuunawein. When the king learnt of this news, he decided to stop being reckless, and finally began changing his appearance to be the way he wanted it, starting with growing his hair out. After Thuunawein hatched, the king immediately began playing with his son and spending a lot of his time with the infant, and did so throughout his childhood. Qiguan did the same with Giranja when she was born, even though Thuunawein also played with her. There was a point where Hjino launched an attack on Chirnagon when Qiguan was 43 (Zilariun) years, and during the fight, he was swarmed and had a warrior from Hjino rip off a large part of his left wing, and incapacitate him for a long time. He almost gave up on life after that, being unable to fly. It crushed him, but after a while, he turned to the Coltsman family, the local biomechanics and gave them the biggest job of the at-the-time family members’ lives. They had to craft a prosthetic wing for him, which they managed to pull off. It took the three members of the family to put it together and attach it to his wing. When Elanceria cursed everyone and changed their memory, making everyone think she was Qiguan’s wife, he began treating Jaqni as if she were in Elanceria’s place. He was manipulated into becoming more submissive to her, letting her have her way with controlling Giranja. After his daughter followed his footsteps and turned rebellious, he never scolded her badly, and secretly taught her some defensive tricks with her water and earth magic, as did Jaqni with her light magic. Qiguan also still kept his mischievous ways, and taught her how to show-off with her magic. After the years passed and Giranja snuck off for two weeks, he fretted badly, worried for her. But Elanceria didn’t let him go after. When she returned and Elanceria convinced him Giranja was fake and she was imprisoned in the Rose Cell, it slowly began to sink in that there was something off about it all. When 8 (human) years passed, Hjino unleashed another attack, this time a massive assault on Chirnagon and amongst the mayhem, Giranja had escaped and Qiguan was attacked. After the assault and Qiguan learnt of his daughter’s absence, he charged into Hjino territory, thinking they had her. Before he could reach their castle, he was shot with a crossbow bolt that had been poisoned with a foreign plant, and it nearly killed him. He’d only been trying to find his daughter. Miraculously, they managed to create a cure for it, just in the nick of time. — When on the battlefield, Qiguan will lift the dark purple quills along each side of his spine and ram into his opponent, stabbing them like an echidna or a porcupine. He’s practiced enough with his water magic, that he can create his own water creatures to attack his energy. When just strolling his home, he’s relaxed and jokes with everyone, holding friendly conversations. Due to Qiguan’s mother being a wyvern, and his father a standard quadruped, he can move his wings to walk on them and can walk on his back legs.

