Kotaro Hashimoto



4 years, 11 months ago


Kotaro Hashimoto
橋本 光太郎
Kou-chan, Hasshicchin
16 y.o
168 cm / 5'6"

Some text about your character goes here. This section will grow with content. Bold italic underline strikethrough link. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vel ex lacinia neque mollis euismod.

“I’m here with you... I know we can do it together if we only put our hearts into it!”

Nam sit amet bibendum mauris. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec non scelerisque sem, id tempor lorem. Curabitur dictum arcu et est egestas, id rhoncus leo mollis. Suspendisse potenti. Integer eget sodales tortor. Proin nunc metus, fermentum eu lacinia vel, accumsan sit amet purus. Donec ullamcorper, nunc vitae convallis viverra, purus odio gravida orci, et semper ipsum lectus ac sem. Duis interdum laoreet justo quis gravida. Fusce fringilla tristique felis, at consectetur felis feugiat nec.

Charisma 60%
Stamina 65%
Vocal 40%
Dance 50%


just a little guy.

Kotaro is that nice, smiley guy from the neighborhood. He'll greet you, say some nice words and help you carry your bags. He's also really approachable, and he can get along with almost everyone. Furthermore, he is so optimistic and loyal, that he always tries his best to make everyone happy. Besides, a lot of people say that he’s a fun-loving guy who only thinks about having a good time with his friends.

Kotaro is this kind of guy who’s always calm and doesn’t seem to have any problems. This is kind of true, because of his dreamer nature and secretive disposition. It’s hard to know him well because he doesn’t like to get too close to someone. He hides this under smiles and kind words. Additionally, he makes an impression of carefree and happy boy with a big heart!

But Kotaro is not a perfect guy. He’s terribly insincere – he almost never says what he’s really thinking, because – as he says – the truth is sometimes too rude and unpleasant. That’s why he says a lot of white lies. Starting from what he thinks about someone's costume, ending with things as liking someone or not. He doesn’t like to have enemies or people criticizing his opinions. He’s also a little stubborn. Not always and with everything. His stubbornness shows through his persistence in doing things. If he chooses to do something, he will stick with it no matter what. Among other things, this is how he learned to play drums. Sometimes he just can’t give up on things.

But when it comes to someone who is really important to him, he can be sickly overprotective, possessive and horribly jealous. He’ll keep asking who your friend is, why are you not answering, etc. Because of this, he always tries to keep a distance between him and others.


  • surfing
  • swimming
  • seafood
  • making music
  • rap
  • Pokemon


  • taking care of his sister
  • storm and rain
  • going fishing with his father
  • strawberries
  • worms and other insects


  • surfing and swimming
  • making music, mixtapes, remix etc.
  • Playing Pokemon GO
  • can play drums
  • plays Pokémon GO
  • got 2nd place in Regional Surfing Competition for kids, when he was 12 y.o
  • when he’s stressed or angry, he starts speaking with Sado dialect (Hokuriku dialect)
  • he whistles a lot
  • has an allergy to nuts and strawberries
  • has his favorite pair of boxers, shirt, pens, and flip-flops. He wears them on special events. He believes they bring him luck
  • Sometimes scribbles on his hands, when he’s bored
  • doesn’t understand horror movies — they are not even scary for him
  • He often fills up quizzes in teen magazines…

Design Notes

  • quisque eget eros finibus, feugiat ante in
  • vivamus posuere, elit eu varius vulputate, eros nisi porta urna
  • euismod turpis nisi a nisi - vivamus semper non erat et pellentesque




beach style







Day time



Relationship blurb. Vivamus aliquet tincidunt massa porttitor posuere. Sed finibus lectus augue, vitae interdum diam vehicula a. Praesent sit amet lacus sit amet dolor posuere posuere.

Masahiro Kawaguchi

big bro senpai

Relationship blurb. Vivamus aliquet tincidunt massa porttitor posuere. Sed finibus lectus augue, vitae interdum diam vehicula a. Praesent sit amet lacus sit amet dolor posuere posuere.



Relationship blurb. Vivamus aliquet tincidunt massa porttitor posuere. Sed finibus lectus augue, vitae interdum diam vehicula a. Praesent sit amet lacus sit amet dolor posuere posuere.