Kritanta Delacroix



5 years, 2 days ago


Kritanta Delacroix
Also known asKrit, Krita, Twisted Justicar
Age35 y/o
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Profile template by Circlejourney

Kritanta has many NSFW references littered throughout their profile, read at your own risk.

Kritanta is a well known apothecary in the slums. They are brilliant, and good at what they do, having a healing touch it would seem. However, they're often viewed as rather "odd". They don't seem to wrap their head around emotions and everyday social constructs as most others might. Handshakes are odd to them, and they're never certain how to tell the difference between a smile and a smirk.

However, there is one form of contact and interaction Kritanta is quite fluent in: sex. It's suprising to most who don't know the tiefling very well, which is most people, but Kritanta knows their way around the body better then even the most skilled courtesan.


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Curabitur interdum diam justo. Nulla lacinia elementum enim, at molestie nisi accumsan eget. Fusce at sem viverra, volutpat mauris sit amet, imperdiet diam. Aenean metus ante, consequat eu enim ut, tristique placerat magna. Vestibulum nec tempus nibh.

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