Jaime Cinder



4 years, 10 months ago


Name: Jaime Cinder
Nickname/s: N/A
Age: 19
Date of Birth: N/A
Species: Human (with fire powers)
Height: About 5'7"
Weight: N/A
Gender: Cisgender
Sex: Male
Pronouns: He/They

Sexuality: Questioning
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: N/A
Current location/from: N/A
Personality: Depending on who you ask, you'll likely hear different things about Jaime. To some, particularly those on his bad side, he can seem like a bit of a hothead, quick to anger and hard to shake from his beliefs. However, ask someone who knows him much better, and you'll find that he can be much more of a softie than one would originally believe. Although he'd rather be known for being brooding and bitter to those he's unfamiliar with, when hanging around people like Kyu and/or Boo, he is much more patient and relaxed. Even his normal snark and snappy remarks turn to lighthearted jokes and witty comments when he's around friends he's comfortable hanging out with.
Likes: Retro video games/arcades, helping others with his powers, and his black kitten, Bandit
Dislikes: Accidentally causing harm to anyone/anything with his powers, frustrating game mechanics, and bitter drinks