Xander Leventis



Gender: Male

Age: 19

Hair color: Dark Blue

Eye color: Green

Tail Color: Red

Sexual Preference: Bisexual

Job: Chef at 2 different places in Aquinous

Loves: Cooking, warm enviorments

Hates: Spoiled food

    Xander is a merman born in Aquinous, into a low-middle class family. Early on he became interested in cooking, experamenting with what foods to combine with from the scaps of food they had left. His interest in cooking kept growing more and more as he was in school, as he slowly became more and more in charge with cooking for the whole family, as his cooking kept getting better and better as he researched more and more. Though, as he got into high school, he had to get 2 jobs, both related to cooking, to help out with the family. By the time he graduated, he's still stuck in his 2 jobs and having a harder time trying to move out due to lack of stored funds and not being able to find a less-expensive place to live currently. So now, he's stuck trying to make ends meet, hoping just for a roof of his own above his head.