Arisu Tamakoro (Qiumibu Arisu)



4 years, 8 months ago


- Basic Information -
Full Name: Arisu Tamakoro

Alias: Arisu, Alice, 


Title: Eye of the Storm, 

Gender: Female

Species: Anthropomorphic/Arctic Fox

Age: 32


Sexuality: Straight

City of Birth: Kingdom of Eulia

Currently lives: Podshallow

Languages Spoken: Commonspeak

Relationship Status: In a relationship

-Physical Appearance-
Height:  (m)

Weight:  lbs (kg)

Hair colour: 

Eye colour: 

Fur colour: 





Scars/distinguishing marks: 

Frequently worn Jewellery: 

Smoker/Drinker: Her shot-glass is her closest companion.

Drug User? Which?: 



Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: Her right leg was mangled and had to be amputated.


  • Grouchy: Things would have been easier if people had bothered her less. She doesn't like the attention, tolerates the presence of others, and is open about her irritation.
  • Efficient: Nothing must go to waste. Her home is filled with objects and ingredients that she hopes to utilise them completely. It doesn't explain her collection of knickknacks from her suitor...
  • Reserved: She doesn't talk much, and refuses to socialise (she has to be dragged along against her will). She keeps her sentences as short as she possibly could, and throw in a few complicated words to make sure that others would think highly of her. Or at least, not bother her again after she has left them confused.
  • Snappy: Failure to understand her instructions results in an outburst of fury, especially when she has been clear about her expectations.
  • Proud: Though she doesn't boast about it openly, she takes pride in her creations and work.



Favourite/Disliked Food: 

Favourite/Disliked Drink: 




Team Info: Primarily acts as Magic; capable of fulfilling the Support role.


  • Master of Brews: She's been making drinks since she was a toddler. At least, that's what her parents claim, having caught little Arisu pouring two bottles into one tiny cup when she was two.
  • Medicine Maker: An extension of her fascination with combining liquids. She started this when she was five, having taken interest in her parents' side gig.


  • Affinity for Magic (Ice, Lightning): As a result of her ability to manipulate lightning, she is immune to the effects of her own lightning. However, this doesn't mean she is immune to the effects of lightning from other magic users. She is also capable of controlling the amount of heat produced from her lightning bolts. The same cannot be said for her chilling powers, so her allies and foes will have to be mindful of their exposure to cold.
  • Knowledge on Herbs
  • She is capable of predicting the weather with great precision. So far, she's only made one wrong guess.
  • Tinker: She is capable repairing common household tools. It's useful when she is anti-social.

Special Attack(s):

  • Ice Bolt: Basic spell. A shard of ice is thrown at her target.
  • Lightning Whip: Basic spell. Through the lantern on her staff, a tether reaches at her intended target. It will arc and weave around objects to reach her target.
  • Cold Mist: Basic spell. An air of coldness surrounds her target. This follows her target for a set amount of time.
  • Cloud Struck: Intermediate spell. A storm cloud is summoned. This cloud always hover above her head. Every time she uses a lightning-based attack, the cloud will zap a random foe in her vicinity, or strike down any projectile aimed at her general direction. Alternatively, she can send this cloud to hover above her target, where it will always zap them.
  • Icy Stalagmite: Intermediate spell. A large ice formation erupts at her targeted zone. Should anyone be near this area, they are sent flying away. This pillar chills everyone near it, and lingers until she dismisses it.
  • Lightning Strikes Twice: Intermediate spell. She unleashes a lightning bolt that zaps her intended target. After a while, another bolt of lightning falls from the heavens onto the same target.
  • Arc Lightning: Intermediate spell. Your typical bolt of lightning that zaps. Instead of homing onto her target, this is a large bolt that damages anything in its path.
  • Frozen Tomb: Intermediate spell. A small crystal-like ice is formed in her palm, which she can toss. Once in contact with a surface, the crystal stays until something organic makes contact with it. When that happens, the crystal expands rapidly and traps the victim for a set amount of time, or when she personally frees her target.
  • Storm Ball: Intermediate spell. A ball of lightning is summoned from her staff, and it will zap everything and everyone else. Only Arisu is unaffected.
  • Kaleidoscopic Maelstrom: Advanced spell. A chilling mist conceals the floor as gloomy clouds gather above. 
  • Overcharge: Advanced spell. When activated, her eyes glow white that leaves a trail whenever she moves. All of her lightning bolts become crimson in colour, and things will always burst into flames when the lightning bolt hits something.

Ability to operate vehicles? Which?: 

-Family and Friends-
Parents: (Mother) (Father)

Is the character still in contact with parents?: Yes

Siblings: (Sister; older)




  • Magic Staff; Lantern of the Skies; Bellowing Zenith; Tempest Conduit
  • Prosthetic Leg (Right): Built by the Prince of Eulia to compensate for his delayed arrival. It is magic by nature, functioning as if she hadn't lost the limb, even restoring her sense of touch. It appears to be made of glass.

Extra Info:

  • She would have died in the jaws of a Failed Experiment, had the Prince of Eulia not intervene.
  • Lives far away from a small town. She is their resident medicine maker, ensuring that the locals are not ruined by their illnesses and ailments. She also sells to any travelling adventurers who pass by her place. She doesn't like it if they linger around in her shop for too long.
  • She doesn't believe that Naso is the Prince of Eulia. She thinks that he's just some really clever doppelganger, because why would anyone want to bed with a lowly medicine maker such as herself? The only way that she would believe it is if the Empress herself comes into her shop to scold her supposed son of his scandalous affair.