
Gender: Female

Age: 18

Hair color: White with streaks of red

Eye color: Blue

Tail Color: Teal/Same as Yuki's Genie tail

Sexual Preference: Straight


Loves: The Outdoors, tough jobs

Hates: People ruining her plants

    The daughter of Yuki and Snow Wolfgang(TeaDevil's OC), Flora possesses super strength and the ability to grow plant life. She's a rare kind of person, being born from a genie and surviving, and with that came several unique things about her. For one, her tail that she would have had became a genie tail (but doesn't act like a normal genie tail), as well as she got the powers mentioned earlier on. She often focuses on her own garden, ones that have large apple trees in them, and sometimes picks on Elk... or gets upset when Elk uses one of his rune arrows on her plants.