Snow Douglas



4 years, 11 months ago


  • Name Snow Douglas
  • Called Snow
  • Age 23 Years
  • Gender Female (she/her)
  • R/O Biromantic (male lean)
  • S/O Bisexual (male lean)
  • Theme Save Me

Snow is a somewhat stern and very responsible young woman who fights to always have as much control over her life as possible. She works incredibly hard for herself and her brother, Rain, so much so that her life revolves around it. She can come across as cold-shouldered to most people, but under the hard surface, her personality is very warm and protective of those close to her. She tends to be suspicious of strangers, given her situation, but has the potential to be a dazzling and vivacious person when not weighed down by all the stress on her shoulders.


Snow Douglas is Rain's older sister and, like him, actively works low-paying and laborious jobs in order to get enough money to one day be able to stand on her own financially. Ever since their parents left them, she has been working hard to support herself and her brother - a drive that has taken over everything else in her life. She is very frugal and only buys the bare minimum for herself in all departments, although she will buy better things for Rain without telling him because she wants him to be happy above all else. She hates the country the two of them live in, but leaving does not seem possible at the moment.



  • Late Nights
  • Her Little Brother
  • Staying Informed


  • Yonote
  • Potatoes
  • Her Parents

Snow has the capability to be more charming and warm than she is, but because of the constant stress she deals with in her life, she has grown a bit snippy and has somewhat short patience. She wants to one day settle down and embrace who she wants to be, but will fight for that day in the meantime.

  • NATIONALITY: Yonotean
  • ETHNICITY: Byglian-Yonotean
  • BIRTHDAY: September 17th (Virgo)
  • HEIGHT: 5'08" feet
  • NOTABLE FEATURES: Long, well-tended hair.
  • STYLE/OUTFIT CHOICE: Snow likes to wear things in the color black, and when the weather permits, is often seen in a simple black tank top. She likes fashion, but the lack of money means that she often has to settle for simpler clothing.
  • She enjoys people-watching as a leisure activity sometimes.
  • Snow hates her name; her parents were supposedly obsessed with the weather, and she thinks that her name is pretty stupid, but doesn't change it.
  • She loves bluebirds and wants to live in a place with a lot of them someday.

Rain Douglas

[ little brother ]

Her younger brother whom her entire life revolves around. Although he can take care of himself, she would feel lost if she didn't watch over him at least a little bit. She wants the best for him at all times.

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