Leo (Stats and Abilities)



Intelligence: ★★Confidence: ★★★Charisma: Creativity: ★★★★Empathy: ★★★★★
Proficiency: ★★★Extrovert: ★★Independence: ★★★Humor: ★★Perception: ★★★
Damage: ★★★Magic: ★★★Dexterity: ★★★★★Stamina: ★★★Speed: ★★
Physical res: ★★Magic res: ★Poison res: ☆Shield str: ★★★Healing str: ☆
Passive Talents:
+10% HP (Stackable, includes all allies)
+10% Shield strength (Stackable, includes all allies)
1st Ability:
Napoleon charges forward. If an enemy is selected he will shove them down.
2nd Ability:
Napoleon shields himself and close by allies for 10 seconds. Shield strength increases by 20% of Napoleon's HP.
With the power of telekinesis, Napoleon makes all enemies surrounding him fall to their knees for 3 seconds.
Can wield:
Napoleon doesn't wield any weapons, he relies solely on his prosthetic arms which can be crowned.
Napoleon's basic attacks are strong and quick punches.
Napoleon a support unit with decent crown control.
Napoleon is a playable character.
Players can meet him at the Omega Onyx HQ or the graveyard.
Relationship stages:
Friendship lvl 10: Napoleon opens up to the player.
Romance lvl 10: During battle as an NPC, Napoleon will fight near the player so they can always be shielded when his 2 is up. Also if any enemy gets too close to the player, he will prioritize that enemy's disposal first.