
Leto Fischer



NameLeto Fischer
GenderGenderfluid (Any pronouns are fine but usually uses They/them)
Voice ClaimVella Lovell (Mermista)


Porco Galliard, Pieck Fischer and Yelena Chayka, child of Porco and Pieck


Marilyn (older half-sister), Denzel (older brother), Zarya (younger half-sister)

Other Family Members

Yelena (additional mother). Pieck's side; Unnamed father (grandfather). Porco's side; Unnamed father (grandfather), unnamed mother (grandmother), Marcel (uncle), Milieus (uncle), Nack (uncle), Marlene (aunt), Nifa (aunt), Anka (aunt), Casey (cousin), Malcolm (cousin). Yelena's side; N/A. King Consort Zeke/King Wilfred "Willy"/Reiner/Bertholdt (adoptive uncles), Annie/King Consort Eliya/Lady Lara (adoptive aunts).






A daughter of the Titans Coeus and Phoebe, the sister of Asteria, and the mother, by Zeus, of Apollo and Artemis.


Lele, "The Weasel Titan", Toe


Human/wolf and Titan shifter hybrid




November 16th


Rainy days, spiders, jogging, leading others


Marleyan Officer, Member of the Council of Shifters


+Helpful +realistic +witty -impassive -pushy at times -irritable


Leto has a very 'laissez faire' attitude towards life; not really getting involved unless they have to but willing to put in the effort if need be. Leto doesn't show much emotion besides the tired eyes and small smile similar to that of Mama Pieck, and it's anyone's guess as to what they're feeling at any given time. They're an enigma to younger trainees as well as fellow Marleyan Officers, and them being a titan shifter makes them even more intimidating. Leto kinda revels in the feeling of being feared by their peers, but would never admit it. Their interest in creepy crawlies also doesn't help the fact that many are scared of them, as trainees have reported seeing them hold dangerous spiders without a care. It wouldn't be a surprise if the younger cadets made up ghost stories about them.


Leto has a so-so relationship with their parents; not exactly being close but having a good bond nonetheless. Along with Pieck, Leto sometimes stepped in to keep their father and Marilyn from strangling each other during a fight, and has become someone Porco comes to when he's feeling distressed about her. Much like how Denzel is a Mini-Porco, Leto is a Mini-Pieck. They have practically the same expression and bond over being tired all the time. Leto isn't as close with Yelena but enjoys spending time with her.

Leto is probably the most level-headed sibling in the Galliard family next to Zarya. Despite being the second youngest and third child altogether, Leto has proven themselves time after time when it comes to corralling their siblings from doing stupid shit. That being said, Leto and Marilyn don't really get along. As children they told one another everything, but that changed when Marilyn went off and did her own thing for the Marleyean royal family. Leto is more disappointed that Marilyn didn't tell them about her plans than anything. While Denzel is their older brother they're often getting him out of skirmishes with Prince Demetrius of Paradis over Clara Braun. They think Denzel's an idiot (he is, honestly) but they recognize the hidden pining in his actions towards the prince. Leto adores Zarya, and they think she's the sweetest thing to ever cross the land. 

Kasmira and Leto met when they were trainees and Leto transferred to the Paradisian military for a while. Leto was given the position of squad leader of their specific group for training exercises, and Kasmira was one of the people they were to lead. They were initially friendly with one another, but as soon as Leto became squad leader things changed. They and Kas started to bicker, although it was mainly Leto trying to deal with Kasmira's attitude. They left their Training Corps class with harsh feelings towards one another, and even now they still hold a distaste for the other's presence, although there's hidden sexual tension there that comes out in explosive bursts whenever they're alone. When they do manage to bump into each other, they act polite, but inside they're imagining lighting the other person on fire (or dragging the other into a supply closet to aggressively make out).

Leto enjoys being with their Uncles Marcel, Milieus and Nack and older cousin Casey. They find them to be very good company and they find it funny how drastically different Marcel is from their father Porco, and they can see how Marcel really is Porco's older brother. Nack is incredibly sweet and always lends an ear if they need it, Milieus offers great advice, and Casey is just their silly cousin who they adore.


● Their Titan form has an elongated face like Pieck's Cart Titan and has armored fingers/knuckles and deep-set eyes like Porco's Jaw Titan. It is also quite slim and quick, and is known to do a lot of dirty moves during practice/battles. Their "Weasel Titan" is 16 m, or 52.50 ft tall.

● They have autism.

profile html by Hukiolukio