Kani Krolika



7 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Kani Krolika


15 years




A spunky gal with an obsession about apples.


She has no legs because of a defect at birth. Often, she would stare wistfully out the window at all the children playing without her. Due to the kind counsel of a home tutor, she was motivated to live her life to the fullest. She studied mechanics on her own, using books recommended by her tutor, and after many years, managed to design and create her own legs out of stainless steel & springs, adding extra jumping capabilities. She left home, leaving behind a family consisting of her mother, one day to go on a journey to see the world.

She joined the Clockwork Circus, a band of talented performers, and went on many adventures. The circus was actually an undercover group of government investigators, and she played part in solving many mysteries. After two years, the circus came to a close. She left again to continue her journey but kept in contact with the precious friends she had met.

(Much later, she became an apprentice at an ol’ timer’s mechanic shop. She helped him repair aircrafts and later learned to fly one herself. Once she acquired her own plane, she went back to visit her mother in her hometown frequently.

Much much later, she would inherit the mechanic shop from the ol’ timer. She has her own team of talented mechanics and works on creating new vehicles and aircrafts. In her spare time, she works on developing robotic legs for disabled children.)


Kani is a spunky gal, stubborn and kind of a brat. She’s smart and can achieve many things, but she’ll only work if she’s forced to. Utilizing her cute looks and maximizing her narcissism, she often hoodwinks customers at the circus into giving her candy apples and other sweets from their food stalls. Despite her selfishness, she is very loyal when it comes to her friends, and will not let them down in crucial times.

Kani can jump very high, thanks to her robotic legs. The design allows her to move around with speed, and to pivot and change direction quickly. When she fights, she kicks with her steel robotic legs, or she wields a hollow metal bat.

Kani wears a bunny eared red poncho, with a black dress underneath, and musky magenta colored mittens. Her dress length is somewhat short to prevent it from being caught in her robotic joints. She has to dress warm to maintain her body heat. Nevertheless, she is determined to constantly wear cute things, as she says, to match her cute face.

Kani detests carrots and green granny apples (they’re too sour!). She loves red apples, however, and will rarely share them with others- only with close friends.


Kani is my all time favorite original character. She was originally created for a roleplay group on deviantart known as Clockwork-Circus, which became a second home and family for me. I was a terrible roleplayer back then, but Kani eventually became an alter-ego of mine. Her personality and ideals reflect how I felt at the time of her creation. I had just entered into college, and while I felt there was a lot of ahead of me to explore, I wanted to remain a child for a little while longer. Kani’s spunk and confidence helped me to become more appreciative of myself as well.

Her first name means “to hop” in another language (I forgot). Her last name, Krolika, means “rabbit” in polish. I was terrible at giving my OCs names (I still am) and so I used google translate to find “rabbit” in different languages, and chose the ones that sounded the nicest.

Back in creation, I gave Kani mittens and used the excuse of body warmth to avoid having to draw hands because I was terrible at them (HAHAHA). Her design is loosely based on little red riding hood.

As you can see, her hair color is more of a musky pink rather than light pink, and her eyes are a greyish blue as opposed to sky blue. These colors transitioned to brighter and more saturated colors later on as I kept forgetting the original palettes for Kani.

Even though my drawings were really sloppy back then, they helped me get better at drawing shapes and applying better proportions to my simple doodles.

You’ll see that several other OCs (namely the ones used for games) share the same name as this OC. This is because Kani was my alter ego and I used her name whenever I played various games. And I am terrible at deciding names.