


4 years, 10 months ago


A cat that learned karate to protect his anime wives.

Sensei isn't sure how he became humanoid. One day he was a normal cat, sitting outside of a convenient store and watching TV through the window, and the next thing he knew, he was... this. He didn't question it, though, and still doesn't. He found this form more freeing, and the first thing he did was open the door to watch more TV and learn more about what technology humans used.

Now, he runs a dojo and teaches karate to his many students.

Notes: Don't question me--


Full Name: Pawl Furnando

Nicknames: Sensei

Age: 41 in human years

Birthday: July 2

Sexuality: Gray

Fur/Eye Color: White/Black

Height: 6'

Weight: 215 Ibs

Occupation: Karate sensei

Personality: Sensei seems to be very focused and disciplined, showing respect for all and managing his temper well, even around his anime wives. He will not tolerate people picking on the weak, or those that insult anime he likes.

Non-Human Abilities:
- Nine Lives - Not exactly immortality, but he does have nine lives. None have been lost so far.
- Enhanced Strength - He is incredibly strong and fast, capable of picking up a car.
- Claws - Used typically as a last resort (or to cut open packages), Sensei will fight with his claws out.
- Stealth - He is much quieter than a typical human and can often sneak up on others even despite his massive size.

Voice: Tempered and wise; Paul Nakauchi

Drawing Details: Sensei typically wears a headband with the Japanese flag on it (one he buys off Amazon), along with pants and slippers of any kind. His white fur covers every inch of him, and he does, in fact, have abs and pecs. No matter how he looks, though, he will always have >:3 for a face.

Fun/Extra Facts:

- He enjoys anime, but isn't obsessed with it, though he does declare his love for at least three anime women.

- He is slightly more obsessed over the Karate Kid franchise, especially Cobra Kai.

- He is equally in love with Princess Peach.

- Also well-versed in kobudo-- martial arts with weapons.

- Can understand cats.

- Would like to learn how to fish.

- Once turning humanoid, many typically poisonous foods no longer effect Sensei. However, he is still unable to have chocolate or alcohol. Just a small amount can make him very ill, and large amounts are dangerous.

- Is lactose intolerant, but still enjoys milk.

- Will always yell "NYA" before his attacks.