Tobin's Comments

The previous owner was meant to let me know when they were selling this lad if you are ever selling them would you mind letting me know? If not that is completely okay! Thank you!

I'll try to remember, yeah! 

No worries if you don't but thank you!

*sweats* I'm sorry AbstractKryptid I need him ;-;

Can I buy?

Hahaha completely fair! He's a gorgeous design!!! 

He really is 😭 I can absolutely ping you if I decide to part with him!

I would appreciate that so much!!! 


Thank you!

Yes you can! Could you please dm me your PayPal email so I can send an invoice? ;0; 

Absolutely! I sent it now thank you so much!!!

You tempt me sooo!!! I love this design ahh if he available on Friday I shall buy

Only if you can do so man!! Save your money ;;0;;

Ahh this baby be dreamie tho if I have money after I get paid and bills I shall buy him I have a couple of ideas 

i can keep them for you if you want man!! if you really like them i dont mind ;0;

No it's okay man I don't want you to lose out on a sale!

I'm so in love with this character! <3 Need to draw them sometime QwQ