20. Taerian Lavellan



8 years, 9 days ago



Taerian Lavellan




Race: Elf
Role: Dalish Hunter [Previous] | Grey Warden Scout
Specialty: Champion | Guardian
Orientation: Homosexual
Sign: Content
Alignment: Lawful Good
Marital Status: Single
Theme: song


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Taerian is all about showing his absolute devotion and loyalty to his friends and allies. This saying, it makes him slightly narrow-minded in a sense because he only helps those that are dear to him. He has a hard time accepting those who have wronged them or even people who have made minor lies or told false things. All in all, he prefers people to tell the truth or show their real selves instead of telling lies. Aside from that, Taerian's tough guy exterior is just that. He's all for helping those in need and giving respect to where it's due. He's very protective of his friends and will fight tooth and nail for them. He just has a hard time expressing himself and showing his consideration.


Taerian Lavellan was born into the Dalish clan, Lavellan. He is Ghen's older brother and has always watched over her since they were children. He was friends with another Dalish, now named Randy, and has always been inseparable with him and his sister. His clan traveled through the Dales at the time. Minding their business and mostly staying away from humans as they traveled. His clan was nearly killed by a few religious zealots that hated elves. Taerian managed to escape with Ghen, Randy, and a handful of others and they managed to make it to the Free Marches in their escape from Orlais.

Once there, the remaining group split up. Taerian and Ghen left with a group of Grey Wardens to Amaranthine, the closest stronghold from where they were in the Free Marches, and most of their clansmen joined them but Randy wasn't convinced. Taerian watched as his friend fled north in some vain attempt at revenge. Once at Amaranthine, he and his clansmen underwent the Joining. Taerin, Ghen, and a couple others survived and underwent training to become Grey Wardens.

It would be years, however, before Taerian and his sister would complete their training. Once they completed it, the two were sent on various scouting missions in or around Orzammar. Both becoming more familiar with the terrain that makes up the Frostbacks. After a couple years of running in and out of the Deep Roads, the two were sent on an errand to Adamant Fortress and ended up running into an old face on their way back. Taerian met Randy again but rather the result of what he became. They tried to catch up on what they've been up to but Randy changed so much that they had a hard time finding common ground.

They returned to Amaranthine again and continued to work in and around Orzammar once more. Within a year, they and numerous other Wardens were summoned back to Amaranthine only to grow more and more restless the longer they were there. Upon their Commander's orders, he and the Wardens remained in Vigil's Keep and were then summoned to Skyhold once the Battle of Adamant Fortress was concluded.

Taerian and Ghen were sent to fight against darkspawn that emerged around an old elven ruin. Once they cleared out the darkspawn, he and his sister realized that there was more to it than they imagined. They found a group of elves and humans encased in ice. They immediately headed for Slyhold and informed their Commander. They then led the Inquisition and the Warden-Commander back to the ruins and brought them back to life... only for one of the elves to actually survive. Afterwards, Taerian and his sister continued to scout numerous areas both for the Inquisition and the Grey Wardens. Both helped reclaimed old treasures and holdings that the Wardens once held. Both were given high regards by their Commander and the Inquisition for their hard work. Catherine named both of them her "Master Scouts" -- given to scouts who more than prove their worth in finding old Warden hideouts and artifacts.

Upon hearing word from a branch of the Legion of Dead, Catherine ordered Taerian and Ghen to go to the Storm Coast and aid their dwarven allies. The two helped the Inquisitor, the Legion of the Dead, and Shaper Valta in learning more about what has caused the earthquakes in the lyrium mine. They were useful in navigating and fighting off the swarm of darkspawn they encountered. As far as the rest of it, they didn't follow the Inquisitor down into the abyss and kept to the Deep Roads. They helped the Legion and Inquisition soldiers navigate through the Deep Roads and avoid or kill whatever darkspawn were there with them.

After the Inquisition defeated Corypheus, Taerian and his brethern returned to Amaranthine and was later stationed to work from Soldier's Peak. When the formation of the White Wardens was put into place, he gladly stood among the ranks with his brothers and sisters. Like most of the wardens however, he bares a resentment towards the Black Wardens.



Warden Ghen Lavellan

[ Sister ]
Blurbs go here


[ Clanmate ]
One of Randy's best and closest friends since they were kids. Randy and Taerian, with his sister's help, all trained together to be hunters and always getting into some kind of trouble. Before the clan was nealy killed by some Orlesians, Randy and Taerian were really close amd were often teased every now and then by Ghen. When they met again several years later, Taerian felt vrushed that Randy wasn't the same man he knew as a kid. When they did try to catch up, Randy and Taerian had a hard time trying to find common ground and weren't able to reconnect. Though the two do feel a heartache for one another but there's nothing they can do about it.

Warden-Commander Catherine Crest

[ Mentor ]
Taerian has nothing but the utmost respect for his commander -- even more so after she was willing to take in what remained of his clan and let them go through with the Joining ritual. After surviving the ritual, Taerian and Ghen spent their time trying to pay back what they owed their commander. After a few years, they were easily the best scouts that Catherine had under her command. Taerian and Ghen are often sent to wherever Catherine needs them -- concerning darkspawn information sometimes and others just to look after the interests of the Wardens or the Arlings their commander governs. Taerian highly respects Catherine and will rarely do anything out of turn.

Abilities, Paraphernalia, & Trivia


  • Grey Warden Scout Armor
  • Grey Warden Longsword
  • Grey Warden Shield

Strengths & Weakness

  • Swordsmanship
  • Sword and Shield
  • Tracking
  • Narrow-minded
  • Emotional
  • Can't forget his past or let it go


  • Taerian is one of the few people the remembers Randy's real name but believes that that part of him died when his clan was nearly killed.
  • Like Randy, Taerian has a hidden technique unique to him as well. The technique is called 'The Rite'. Using this allows him to summon any and all strength that he has at that moment to go into a frenzy. Ideally, he acts and looks like a Reaver whenever he's attacking someone. He loses all awareness and is considered a danger to both enemies and allies. He admits to Catherine that this technique is only able to be performed because of his devotion to Mythal. And it can only be used in rare instances instead of whenever he wills it.
