Asith Cutler



4 years, 11 months ago



Influencer | Fox | Male | 29
DoB: November 16th



If there's something of interest to him, he will do whatever it takes to make it happen. Asith can be known to be a little bit of a big jerk, often manipulating others into his own convenience.

On his original story, his halfie nature grew into hatred for himself and the people that treated him as a lesser being. With some obvious father issues on his plate, trouble with authority and society's moral views often pushed his limits to where he is now.

To  aim high is the fuel that keeps him alive, stepping on other's careers  is not a problem, although it often gets him into a few.


If there's a thing Asith would change about himself, it would definitively be his height. But don't let his 165cm fool you, his charm and confidence makes up for it, along with his wavy blonde hair, freckles and piercing golden eyes.

"Exist on your own terms."

  • Attention
  • Drinking
  • Social status
  • Romantic comedies
  • Getting his way
  • Losing games/bets
  • Clingy people
  • Routine
  • Kids
  • Being on a diet


Mostly on his high horse, a little stubborn for what he looks for. Smug is an understatement, usually likes to brag about his achievements even if they're mostly constructed by lies. It comes easy to manipulate others into personal gain. 

His main goal has, and will always be to achieve the highest position of power. Means don't matter, only the results. This applies in all AUs.

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