
Gender: Female

Age: Mid 20s

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Blue on the right, Green on the left

Tail Color: Blonde

Sexual Preference: Straight

Loves: Jogging, Arm wrestling, Swords

Hates: Mud, Deep Waters, Rust

    Bridgette is a centauress knight for the kingdom of Nova Pharos. She's often seen examining sword, making sure all are sharp and in near-peak condition. This devotion to taking care of weapons came from her family of swordsmiths. She was never good at it, always messing up a crucial process of making the sword or her hands aren't steady enough when adrenaline isn't guiding her. She ended up finding her place as a knight after some play fighting with other wannabe knights. Now she gallops alongside many brothers in arms, fighting side by side to protect her homeland.