


4 years, 11 months ago


✦ General ✦

His name means supreme king/ruler, but he really isn't one
Haou's a fox demon
Used to be human but he feels very discconnected from that life
While he looks human enough, he acts a lot like an animal

✦ Persoanlity ✦

Haou doesn't like showing emotion, but he's very emotional and doesn't have much control over his facial expressions.
He's arrogant, vengeful, easily frustrated and fired up. He might be a fox but he's stubborn as a mule
He's got sharp teeth and will snarl when displeased. His default expression is a frown
He bites

He's not all bad once you get to know him tho!
If you get to know him, that is

Even though he plays it though and agressive, Haou's actually pretty obedient. If you're nice enough and give him food and attention, he'll grow attatched quickly. He gets agressively protective of the people he likes and will follow them around. Oh, you don't want him to come with you? Too bad
He's never really had someone to show him affection like that though

✦ Notable traits ✦

  • He has no voice cords
  • Has both human and fox ears
  • Nine very fluffy tails
  • Tiny
  • Always has dark bags under his eyes
  • Almost never smiles

✦ Powers ✦

Each demon has its own unique power
Haou's is control over sound - specifically, he can control the volume of sounds in a certain radius around himself. This radius depends on how hard he's concentrating and how tired/rested he is - the maximum is 15m, but the average is 7-10m
He can mute sounds completely or make them extremely loud. He can do this selectively for only some sounds too, but only if he can hear them and focus on them.