Mishra Laakru



4 years, 10 months ago


¯\_( -_-)_/¯
Mishra Laakru
White Mage
Moon Miqo'te
17th -> 6th Umbral Moon
reserved · direct · kind

Mishra grew up in Gridania running around The Cat's Eye Needle, the small weaving shop her grandmother owns, under the caring watch of her mother, aunt, and grandmother, playing with her cousins and twin brother. Misha's grandmother is the matron of the family, the rock. She is a strict woman who made a practice of only saying what needed to be said, still , despite her stern demeanor she never failed to have a handfull of colorful sweets in her pocket for her grandchildren. Mishra knows little of her grandmother's past except that she left the tribal lifestyle young and never wished to speak of it. Mishra also knew that her grandmother had found her way to Gridania where after struggling to afford even scraps of food she had started a seamstress and weaving business that eventually provided for herself, and her eventual family, a comfortable lifestyle.

Mishra definitely takes after her grandmother in personality. Mishra herself is a little hard to read, and doesn't read other people very well either, sometimes coming across as a little detached. Underneath she is kindhearted, and thinks about the greater good more than herself. She's hardly home in Gridania anymore, loving to travel with her husband Jaise.

  • Despite being a very caring, put others first, kind of person Mishra can come across as a little detached as her facial expressions tend to be subtle. She isn't prone to big grins or any other large expressions.
  • She's a prolific knitter and embroiderer.
  • She loves plush toys and soft things and likes to decorate their house with them.
  • She's also very fond of the Mandragora and has collected vases and plushes and anything of them she can.
  • ....



Jaise Tiordan

Mishra's husband. They began traveling together after they met, esplored the world, and supported each other through it all. While Jaise was more aware of his growing feelings for her, Mishra just accepted her love for him like it the natural progression and never thought much on it. He is precious to her.

Twin Brother


Kahji'a Laakru

Mishra's twin brother. They aren't close, well... he thinks they are-- she doesn't really bother to bring him up to anyone.



Character Name
