Hoozuki Wakui



4 years, 11 months ago


Wakui grew up in Kirigakure, being raised by her mother, a Hoozuki, and her father, from who was originally from Kumogakure. Her father died while she was young, so didn't know him much, if at all, only regaling him as a good shinobi, a man who worked as a hunter-nin for Kiri alongside her mother.

Much like her parents, Wakui focused herself on becoming a hunter-nin, killing her emotions at a young age in order to become what she needed to. To say her mother was cold to her would be an understatement, the woman was downright neglectful of Wakui. Despite this, Wakui saw her mother as the ideal, the perfect ninja, the perfect hunter to mold herself after.

As she got older, more and more of the Seven Swordsmens Blades were returned to Kiri, giving more and more people to see if they were worthy of any of the swords. many tried, many failed, and before the village knew it, all of the blades were back, and three had been claimed by shinobi within Kiri. However, the most sought after of the blades, Samehada, had yet to pick anyone to wield it. It's picky, and finicky nature nearly killing many a person trying to claim it.

Wakui, now shining well above her peers as a perfect student, and exceptional ninja, was given a chance to try her luck with the seven blades. She decided to try Samehada first, knowing of its nature, and not wanting to drag out her rejection by it - Yet, as she grasped its hilt, nothing happened. No spikes shot out to harm her, no blood spilled from her hands, Samehada made not a peep as she held him - She took a test swing, and still nothing.

Everyone, the Mizukage included, stood in shock as the younger girl was chosen by the most powerful of the seven blades. Wakui was ecstatic, eyes wide and filled with nothing short of pure, childish joy. She looked like the child she was as she turned her head up to the adults around her, looking for affirmation from them that this was indeed happening - When she was finally given the confirmation, she all but ran out, Samehada hooked onto her back, and glee flowing from her as she ran to show her mother.

However, as she arrived home, she found a few older, jounin rank, ninja standing outside her home, solemn looks on their faces as she approached.

Her mother had been killed in combat.

The jounin gave her her mothers prized marital necklace, the one he father had proposed with, and left Wakui to herself.

Within the next few weeks, Wakui had went through her grief, and steeled herself to continue on her path. To become the best ninja in the world, to be even better than the shinobi of history. It was her destiny, in her mind, to take the world by storm, and truly etch herself into the arches of history. Samehada chose her for a reason, she was born with both Water and Lightning affinity for a reason, and she was exceptional in every way for a reason.

She would be the one person to make history bend to her will, and to become a legend people would speak of for generations to come.

While she got ahead of herself in her goals, she knew that no matter what, she was meant to do something with her life, and it surely wasn't mourning her mother for forever.

So, she kept up her studies and was promoted to Chuunin, then Jounin shortly after.

It wasn't until Wakui was in her late teens that she decided to put her plan into action - By then she had made a name for herself, being deemed he 'Turtle Swordsman' for how carefully, and slowly, she planned things, even during fights. She was careful and calculated, with a brute strength and stamina that no one in her village could hope to match. Alongside her inborn skills, and Hoozuki clan ability to turn to water, it was like she was a god. Hell, some even viewed her as such, giving her things as offerings and the like. She would always act bashful, and thank the people for the gifts, while silently feeling her pride grow and grow, her ego huge by the day she was casually letting herself into the forbidden scroll safe in Kiri.

No one thought anything of it, she was basically being groomed to be the next Mizukage, after all, it was normal for her to want to go down there and learn what she could fro mthe scrolls. It was her right to learn what only few could dare, and everyone knew it.

That was their mistake, as Wakui took hold of a few very particular scrolls. The ones pertaining to eternal life, and resurrection. They were incomplete, of course, divided amongst the great villages, and Wakui wanted them all.

She took the scrolls, and as soon as she exited the safe, the alarm went off, signalling that scrolls had been removed - And she was the only one down there, so everyone knew it was her who took them.

As she fled the village, Utata had seen her, followed her. He silenced her movements with his jutsu, and the two were able to get far enough away, and lose their pursuers to rest.

Wakui then asked why Utata helped her, and he said he was curious about her, saying her 'sound' was unique, off rhythm from the beat of the world around her. That boosted her ego.

Utata and her continued to talk, with Wakui explaining why she had done what she did - And Utata nodded along, humming along to her words. She didn't know what he was thinking, until he asked to join her on her quest, which shocked her, but she accepted, knowing she'd need all the help she could get.

the two travelled together, eventually meeting Tenshouin, and then Ishida.