Father To be named's Comments

Hello, I hope you and your loved ones are safe during this time. 

I'd be more than happy to add this baby to my lovely family. I'd be sure to adore them with art and such, spoiling them is a necessity~

They clicked as soon as I saw them. I personally feel as though they'd be either a comfort child for me, or a Sona/Main. Their personality speaks volumes through their design! 

Available Trades (if you're looking for any at the moment): 


If you're interested, I'd be fine with doing multiple pieces of art! Here are some examples:


Thank you for your time and consideration 💜✨

Hey there. ~ Sorry I am currently on vacation, so my responses getting late. I hope yours stay safe too. <3

I am currently not looking for new characters, since I wanted to shower the ones I have with love. <3 And since they were a bit of more expansive I still try getting a bit of money for them, sorry!

No worries at all 😊 

Stay safe uwu

Sorry but currently I am not searching for new characters. <3