


4 years, 11 months ago


Magic boy. He's a horrible swimmer but loves the beach and lives in a beachside town with his family. As shown in this picture he owns a magical bottle given to him by the gods of the oceans, but in return he was cursed by having an extremely increased chance of drowning - not just in the ocean, but even because of something as simple as drinking water. If Lucas gets water that is even the slightest bit contaminated he gets a horrible rash and can possibly get sent to the hospital, so this causes his public life to be very stressful (and obviously rain is a big problem as well).

Lucas is an ambivert, so he's not insanely social but he wouldn't avoid people either. He has a resting face that always looks somewhat worried, and he has major anxiety. His anxiety causes him to have attacks often, the most serious ones being slightly hyperventilating and shaking pretty violently. He gets really bitter with people that break his trust and is unforgiving. With his friends, though, he's a great listener and always encourages people on things they're passionate about. He wants to be an author.