OTA's Comments

if ur accepting offers lmk...i love him

sorry for the late reply, but i am still if you are interested! i can do money but i also like ur art and some designs so thats cool too

edit: actually if i remember right i got him for free so art or designs are fine!

OH NO WORRIES, YEA ID LOVE TO!!! im real bad at offers so idk whatever you feel is worth i can do?? maybe like a halfbody or smthn? i have some examples on my insta @/zomg_wut. lmk whenever :]

i think a halfbody or two chibis would be good! your art still looks really good i love the colors and the linework! wanna talk more on discord? RON#1111

OMG TYSM WTF. im so sorry for the late reply i have the memory of a pea. just sent you a friend request on discord!!!