Teed (HKFC)



4 years, 11 months ago
Trade Listing
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Character Name: Teed

Alias (Optional): Little Wanderer

Appearance: A small vessel, with two sets of ball/bun-like horns on the sides of her head. Often seen wearing a bright green, dress-like cloak with a thin bowtie at it's front, and carrying a crudely fashioned bow made of a sturdy twig and weaver's thread. Her main weapon being a needle, with a reinforced weaver's thread tied to it's eye so she can throw and pull it back quickly.

Occupation (If any): Wanderer, generally just paid tasks

Age: N/a

Background: Found following sane bugs, trying to learn from them about how to fight and make currency.. as well as to survive and what was okay to eat. Not much is known about her, but she is often spotted in Greenpath, Queen's Gardens, and City of tears, with the very rare visit to Dirtmouth. Recently she's been spotted with a strange, dark figure that seems to follow her around and keep a close eye on her small form.

Abilities: Lithe shift: Since her body is so small, she can somewhat easily dash away from a head-on attack (If the attacker is bigger than her), and either try to turn on her heel and strike their back, or just dash further to a wall where she can get a grip.

Shrieking Needles: When her soul bubble is half full, she can summon up to 4 needles along with a small cloud of shade, though the amount of needles is random every time, meaning the attack is unstable and not guaranteed to work when needed. (3/6'th chance of only 2 needles, 2/6'th chance for 3, and 1/6'th for 4.)

Personality: Sassy, easily distracted, and quick to assume things. She thinks a lot, and despite the inability to speak, manages to be very expressive with her actions. Tends to show affection through mild violence, and get's annoyed when someone teases her and she can't fight back (Like if someone where to hold a book above you, and you were too short to reach it..). Overall a kind, generous vessel, that takes risks where they're needed, or no one else will. If you give her a lifeblood seed, she'll be your friend for life.. though there are other ways of gaining her trust.

Strengths: Quick on her feet/agile, easier to fit into small spaces and make it out unscathed, and despite her attitude she's very quick witted.

Weaknesses: Can be too cocky/emotion-driven, typically doesn't enjoy close range attacks as she can't really shoot her needle like an arrow from far away, Not good at getting her point across.. unless it's the point of her needle.

Likes: A good book, having the company of her butterfly companion, meeting new bugs, and swimming. You can please her with lifeblood seeds, or sweet tasting treats.

Dislikes: Rancid eggs, as they upset her stomach, any of the bugs in Royal waterways, they just give her chills and the noises ruin her peppy atmosphere.