Aias Belle



5 years, 2 months ago


Aias Belle

Greedy Ambitous Angry

Name || Aias Belle
Alias || None
Gender || Male
Age || 800 (looks 19)
Birthdate || Twenty-third of Rhodonite
Species || Vanpiron (snow elf)
Orientation || Heterosexual
Occupation || King of Vanisca
Status || Married
Birthplace || Nivalis, Lux. Vanisca.


Aias was always ambitous for he had big shoes to fill. He wanted to make Vanisca even better than his father had. He was always coming up with plans to benefit him and the country, trying to make alliances and conqour other continents. He is often refered to as the "Greedy King".

After losing his daughter and army, he became very bitter and angry. He took it out on everyone; his people and wife suffered his terrible moods.


Expanding Vanpiron Lands
Collecting Weapons
Making alliances


Casimir and Ryker
Losing his daughter and army



Aias succeeded his father as King after Gervase's death in the War with Atwall and as the victor determind the peace treaty Atwall had to sign (dictating that they were to NEVER attack Vanisca again, and were not allowed to own/buy/sell Vanpiron as slaves), otherwise they would all be destroyed by the Vanisca army. And for a time Atwaller's were not permitted on Vanisca.

Losing both his parents close together was hard on him but he did his best to make sure he was a good King. He signed a treaty with the King of Sunver, opening up trade with the tropical continent allowing them food and things they could not make on their own. It was a popular move that pleased many.

He married Eudora Altti, a political move to reign in some of the less welloff highborns. They had a decent marriage, and had two children Thalia and Chandler. He remained friendly with Myles Kade and August Kian and their children were often at the palace, training and spending time with Thalia.

To increase his intake from Sunver, Aias arranges for Thalia to be wed to Fedre Pond and she would eventally take her place as Queen of Vanisca. Erwan Pond agree's, but before much can happen Aias learns that Thalia has instead married Ryker Kade in secret. He is furious with both of them, but Casimir insist's he can salvage his treaty. He does so by arranging marriage between his sister Inalea and Ehren Pond. Erwan agrees, and the treaty holds.

Aias was still not pleased with Ryker marrying his daugther, but as he is the Commander of his army (alongside Casimir) and well loved, he lets it go and figures it will be a good thing in the future.

Eventually he decides that it would be a good idea to expand Vanpiron lands as Vanisca is only so big. He settles on Nyx in Solpor and through careful planning prepairs to send his army there. Without warning, he learns that Casimir and Ryker have run off with the entire army, dozen's of supporters and Thalia.

In his outrage he gathers their remaining family and supporters to try and figureout their plans. With little success, he banishes the lot to the Winter Isles. For many years he attempts to bring Thalia back home and plots revenge on his former Commanders.

He is eventually killed in a fight with some mercinaries.



Parents: Gervase Belle (father) and Giselle Runa Belle (mother)
Children: Thalia Kade (daughter), Chandler Belle (son)
Immediate Family: Edric Kade (grandson), Zayne Kade (grandson), Eldred Belle (grandson)


Eudora Belle


Does not age and can technically live forever unless killed in battle
Excellent Swordplay




Name Means: mourner and beautiful
His family sigil is a golden bell.
He speaks Vanpiron (elvish) and English.

This template was created by lowkeywicked. Please do not copy, reference or redistribute without permission