Warwic 'War' Branndt



4 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info




Ignis Daemonica (Fire Demon)


Male (He/Him)

Sexual Orientation

Bisexual, usually more into Men than other Genders


Warwic 'War' Branndt



          If you were to ask War what his history was, the answer would change depending on the day. While his origins are mercurial and ever-shifting, War ensures those who ask that he has 'Burned Out' his anger and his wrath and wishes only to enjoy the finer things in life.

Once a Gladiator and a Pit Fighter, War has his fair share of battle stories and scars to carry on conversations with those who spend the time to listen. He can be found either coaching up-and-coming Fighters or drinking heavily wherever Alcohol may be available.


          War stands at 7'2 with a heavy frame. His burnt-orange skin is lighter on 'soft' areas of his body like his stomach, his underarms, his thighs, and his face, with the darker parts of his skin being thicker and rougher by comparison. His body temperature is warmer than the average Human (49°C/120.2°F) but, when enraged, the Sigils all over his body can reach the same temperatures as an open flame (400 °C/750 °F). Burns from touching these Sigils heal at an increased rate and generally do not leave a lasting scar.

His eyes are jet-black with Cyan Irises that softly illuminate. On either side of his head are large Horns that he sheds once every few years. These horns are purely for Decoration as if they were to be struck with any exerted force they would simply snap off from the base with little to no blood, regrowing on the next shedding and regrowth cycle.

War's blood has the same appearance as Liquid Gold and possesses the same bioluminescent properties as the sigils of his skin. His interior flesh is all a vibrant yellowy-orange and similarly glows faintly. The intensity of this glow is dependant on how Healthy War is, with its vibrancy increasing at higher energy levels and dimming when sick or exhausted.

He has a long, snake-like forked tongue and large eyeteeth on an otherwise 'human-like' jawset.

                                                        >[Voiceclaim - Rammstein]<

  •  Drinking
  • Drinking
  •  Fucking
  • Drinking
  • Drinking
  •  Sudden loud noises
  • Being told 'No'
  • Wearing Shirts
  • Having his sleep interrupted
  • Sirens

"You are wanting me to be telling tales?

Well, you are about to hear Best Story. 

          Listen closely--"


          Warwic was born, at some point, into the Kingdom of Fienye where he did some stuff that nobody can really keep track of. At some point during his youth, War participated in several Coliseums across numerous different Kingdoms as a Gladiator, fighting Beings and Creatures alike. An indeterminate of time later he made his Coin as a Warrior and a Pit Fighter, bashing his knuckles and other people's faces. How long, exactly, he did any of those things is arguable and vague, but some of his Stories have hard evidence in the form of advertising letters and betting vouchers.

Within the past 40 years, Warwic has changed his Prerogatives and  seemingly has become more 'Passive', instead opting to Drink and Regale others with his grandiose stories than raise his Lance or his Hand Axes in Combat once more. While he would never admit it outright, this is largely due to the death of his then-partner and their Daughter at the hands of the Zokourean Militia some undefined years prior during the last bout of conflict.

He currently acts as a Grandmaster of Combat to up-and-coming Fighters at a local Arena, instructing hands-on melee techniques of both Lethal and Non-Lethal varieties. He seems to enjoy this line of work, or so he says.


[+] Boastful               [-] Quick to Anger
[+] Talkative              [-] Violent
[+] Charming            [-] Petty

          Warwic is a People Pleaser. He enjoys when other people are drawn to his company and does his best to be the 'Funny Guy', or to be the one to spin interesting stories. Just beneath the surface, however, is a petty and vengeful Man filled with an unquenchable anger and bloodlust that he's trying desperately to ignore. This struggle against what he deems to be his 'True Self' leads him to be rather irritable at times and is the leading reason he drinks so heavily.

The only time War seems to be truly happy is when he's regaling those around him in stories, when he's in bed with another person, or when the clash of metal against metal rings out around him. While he currently swears up and down that he's no longer the mercurial and violent Man he once was, it seems the only thing that's changed is his ability to keep those aspects of himself on a very tight leash.

Boozing and Bruising: War enjoys barfights as long as they end quickly. Brawls with multiple fighters are his favorite.

Trusted Weapons: Warwic fights with a 7-ft Lance and two Hand Axes with heat-resistant grips. His Lance is made of a special blend of iron and obsidian powder, a trophy from a prior tournament.

Sigil-Marked: While War states that some of his glowing marks are Scars from particularly noteworthy enemies that he's intentionally kept aglow, he also mentions that the majority of his sigils were unintended markings. The truth is vague.

Strange Accent: While we would call it 'Germanic', Warwic describes it as 'Igneous' and claims it to be a specialized Daemonic Language.

Lost Child: Though he would never openly admit it, the loss of his Daughter affected him greatly. He continues to search for the Zokourean Soldier who landed the killing blow, or by now the Soldier's descendants, to enact his revenge.

Bar Bets: War has been known to break his own horns off as a way to win a bar bet. There are a few contenders of 'what's the craziest thing you can do' that have his discarded horns as trophies.

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