
Gender: Female

Age: 28

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color: Orange

Tail Color: Purple

Sexual Preference: Bisexual

Loves: Toying with "prey", a brutal victory using her whips, Magic superiority

Hates: Being out-classed, "prey" getting away

    Normally seen within dense jungles, Ninlil lives for both the thrills and the strategy. She normally talks in a seductive voice, mainly to try to subdue weak minded opponents while striking down those that may be caught off guard. At a young age, she wanted to train with the whips originally thinking it would be cool being a naga using whips. But, overtime, she came to realize there was a near unpredictedness when it comes to her fighting style since it was so strange to see and awkward to avoid. 

    Time passes as she soon was invited to the sanctuary for nagas, all the way in the Sahara desert. However, she left due to being bored, and wanted to cause some "excitement" by slaying one of the bellydancers there. After that, she escaped the sanctuary's lands and now hides in visually dense areas, often hiding and waiting to strike. With the aid of her magic, she's is one deadly foe.