


4 years, 11 months ago


It's the unmatched power of the sun, officer.


Cari is a moth puff who was made alongside Galacta Knight with a blank mind, and no memories. They are a Star Warrior, specifically being an expert healer, capable of healing even some of the most gruesome injuries with their magic and remedies. Personally created Divinity itself, Cari is both a symbol and the God of healing, health, rejuvenation, medicine, and wellness, while also being an honorary Sun symbol/deity. Even after their disappearance, Cari continues to be a beacon and symbol of all healers, clerics, medical assistants, and doctors across the galaxy. They are married to Galacta Knight, best friends with Cocoba, and a co-founder of the Sun Knights.

After a series of events, including the disappearance and subsequent search for Galacta Knight, Cari was captured by Veratrum, having their powers harvested and stolen away from them. Cari, fortunately, survived this sacrifice after disappearing into nothingness, but their body became far too weak to be active. They are currently in a state of comatose regeneration, on the planet they were originally created on with Galacta Knight many years ago. Their whereabouts are unknown, considered missing or dead by the people that knew and loved them.


Cari is a kind and gentle puff, with a nurturing personality. They are known to be generous and hospitable to almost everyone and welcome others with open arms and support. Their sociable yet easygoing and trustable personality makes others feel safe in their presence, and many naturally gravitate towards them. They notably have a dreamy and ethereal-like way to them, being much more passive and mellow compared to the friends and family that surround them. Alongside this, they naturally move somewhat slowly. Cari is well known for their calmness and tranquility, being incredibly hard to agitate, and having an almost perpetual smile on their face. This serenity can be unsettling for some people, especially due to the fact that Cari is just as powerful as their counterpart, and can cause just as much destruction as him if they wished to do so. Despite their tranquility, Cari is not above having negative emotions, usually harboring their vengeful fury beneath their mellow facade. Alongside this, Cari knows how to be assertive when they have to be, refusing to allow themselves to be walked on or talked down to.

Despite their dreamy-like nature, Cari is an incredibly smart and skilled healer with a large knowledge regarding diseases, cures, procedures, and ailments. They take their position very seriously and can keep their composure, even when they're running around and healing others in the midst of battle. Being a warrior and healer on the frontlines, Cari is also very battlesmart and can handle any enemy that tries to hurt those they love or get in their way of healing. They are usually underestimated, but those that know them know that Cari has amazing perseverance, even in the hardest times.

During the aftermath of Galacta Knight's disappearance, Cari struggled with grief due to the sudden vanishment of their lover and became depressed, but didn't lose hope. Beneath the layers of gentleness, Cari is tough and resilient, even when they struggle greatly. This perseverance kept the Sun Knights going even after the sudden vanishment of one of their leaders, until Cari themself went missing.

Design notes

The gemstones in their crown are jasper, while their headscarf is lined with gold. Cari's wings are moth wings, and they naturally have a sparkle to them. They are capable of putting away or making their wings 'disappear', but they don't need to do this often. They rarely take their headscarf and crown off, usually only doing so around close friends and family. Because of this most people dont even know that they actually have antennae.


Nonbinary (they/them)
Co-Founder of Sun Knights
their 40's. idk
1'8. in kirby height
Right handed
being considered dead
Galacta Knight and Cocoba


  • tea
  • summertime
  • flowers (esp buttercups)


  • being COLD!!
  • idk. mean people
  • frigid waters


  • gardening!
  • being a 'widow' LOL
  • harp playing


Cari and Galacta Knight were two puffs personally created by Divinity, made to experience the universe and represent balance, being the others halves. While Cari was born as the God of healing and a symbol of the Sun, Galacta Knight was born as the God of knights/battle and a symbol of the Moon. They had a completely blank slate of a mind, only knowing how to do normal actions such as walking, talking, and thinking. After their creation, Cari paired with Galacta and explored, looking around the small world they were on to learn what life was. The two of them began to learn and experience, as they began their travels around the galaxy.

When the pair were around the age of 7-10, Cari and Galacta Knight met an adventurous penguin chick named Cocoba. The trio bonded quickly as she accompanied the pair in their adventures, guiding them and helping them learn. They eventually established a pre-Star Warriors group (referred to as Sun Knights) in their mid-teens, consisting of Cari, Galcta Knight, Cocoba, and the many friends they had met on their journey. For years, the Sun Knights acted as a vigilante group, helping in battles, conflict, and diplomatic matters, while fighting against evil, gaining a reputation for their loyal and good-hearted members who completed heroic duties. Cari acted as the main healer and first in command (alongside Galacta Knight), healing wounded warriors and civilians in the heat of battle. Around the age of 20, Cari and Galacta Knight eventually got married.

Many years later, Galacta Knight suddenly dissapeared after being sealed away by lesser Gods due to them fearing his power. This took a major hit on Cari, who had lived their entire life alongside their husband up till this point. With no clues as to where he could be, Cari and Cocoba grieved and leaned to each other for support, attempting to search for any leads that could tell them where the legendary knight had gone. Despite the sudden loss, Cari remained resilient and continued to lead the Sun Knights for the next few years whilst they grieved.

One day, while wandering alone in space on another search for their husband, Cari had been captured, being imprisoned by Veratrum to be sacrificed for their power. Ricky, the son of the leader knew this and had attempted to help Cari escape, however, the two were caught. Being grabbed by the leader, Ardona stabbed Cari in the back between their wings, stealing all their power as Ricky watched in terror. All of the power Cari had was ripped away from them, and with a shining flash of light emenating from their body, they disappeared into nothingness. Cari had left behind everything and everyone they knew, leaving behind their search for their husband, their friends, the Sun Knights, and Cocoba.

In a stroke of luck, Cari somehow teleported to the old world they were born on thousands of years ago with Galacta Knight. Completley powerless and suffering from energy exhaustion, Cari was incredibly weak to the point they were forced into a regeneration state. For over a millennium, Cari has been comatose, slowly restoring the powers they once had. They are currently considered dead, nobody having knowledge of their whereabouts or about what may have happened that fateful day.


  • Cari's main weakness is the cold, which easily saps their warmth and energy. They HATE the wintertime and usually have to completely bundle up.
  • theyre that "i may be a healer, but..." meme incarnate. yes theyre a symbol of healing and nurturing and unity but they will dog walk you if required.
  • They don't need any weapon or item to help them heal others. They can do it with their hands and magic.
  • One of the very few puffs that did not become a knight (like Galacta and Meta!) Even though they aren't really a "warrior" by fighter terms, they are still one of the very first Star Warriors that came to be after a millennium of an absence of Star Warriors in the Galaxy.
  • While moth wings are usually dusty, Cari's wings sparkle and don't really shed anything like dust. They are very soft though.
  • Despite their roles as Luminary deities, Cari and Galacta Knight have no relation to Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright!